Reading Between the Lines Lent 6-Week Study Year C

This 6 week study includes Lent 1 – Palm/Passion Sunday and follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEAR A, B or C) text selections.

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Reading Between the Lines Lent 6-Week Study Year B

This 6 week study includes Lent 1 – Palm/Passion Sunday and follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEAR A, B or C) text selections.

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Reading Between the Lines Lent 6-Week Study Year A

This 6 week study includes Lent 1 – Palm/Passion Sunday and follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEAR A, B or C) text selections.

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TeenText Lent Easter Sunday: Middle School – Year C

TeenText 7 week Study Lent 1- Easter Sunday for Middle School: The Lenten season is rich in sensory exploration and story-based text.

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TeenText Lent Easter Sunday: Middle School – Year B

TeenText 7 week Study Lent 1- Easter Sunday for Middle School: The Lenten season is rich in sensory exploration and story-based text.

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TeenText Lent Easter Sunday: Middle School – Year A

TeenText 7 week Study Lent 1- Easter Sunday for Middle School: The Lenten season is rich in sensory exploration and story-based text.

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TeenText Lent Easter Sunday: High School – Year C

TeenText 7 week Study Lent 1- Easter Sunday for Middle or High School: The Lenten season is rich in sensory exploration and story-based text.

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TeenText Lent Easter Sunday: High School – Year B

TeenText 7 week Study Lent 1- Easter Sunday for Middle or High School: The Lenten season is rich in sensory exploration and story-based text.

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TeenText Lent Easter Sunday: High School – Year A

TeenText 7 week Study Lent 1- Easter Sunday for Middle or High School: The Lenten season is rich in sensory exploration and story-based text.

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Lent 6-Week Study – Year A (E-Delivery)

This 6 week study includes Lent 1 – Palm/Passion Sunday and follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEAR A, B or C) text selections.

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A Joyful Path, Children’s Curriculum Year One – PDF Version

For both Classroom and Home Schooling

Are you searching for a way to connect children with an authentic spiritual experience that is inter-spiritual, creative and multi-layered? A Joyful Path is truly progressive Christian curriculum that is inclusive, joy-full, compassionate, and intelligent.

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A Joyful Path, Children’s Curriculum Year Two – Full PDF

In A Joyful Path, Year Two, we focus on some of the main tenets of Progressive Christianity and Spirituality, giving our children the foundation they need to walk the path of Jesus in today’s world. It has stories and affirmations written to help children clarify their own personal beliefs while staying open to the wisdom of other traditions.

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TeenText Genesis 4-Week Study

4 week youth study of Book of Genesis

Utilizing the TeenText method this four-week resource explores the Book of Genesis through open ended questions and activities.

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TeenText Middle School Luke Study: Charlie Brown Christmas

This four week ADVENT curriculum breaks the TeenText mold just slightly. We’ve moved away from the lectionary selections that are a part of our regular curriculum to focus on the birth narrative from Luke’s gospel.

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TeenText High School Luke Study: Charlie Brown Christmas

This four week ADVENT curriculum breaks the TeenText mold just slightly. We’ve moved away from the lectionary selections that are a part of our regular curriculum to focus on the birth narrative from Luke’s gospel.

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TeenText Middle School Advent Year C – 4 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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TeenText Middle School Advent Year B – 4 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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TeenText Middle School Advent Year A – 5 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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