TeenText High School Advent Year C – 4 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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TeenText High School Advent Year B – 4 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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TeenText High School Advent Year A – 5 Weeks

4 and 5 week Advent Studies (Years A, B, C of the Revised Common Lectionary)

The Advent season is rich in sensory exploration. Our ADVENT issues follows the Revised Common Lectionary (YEARS A, B, C) and provides youth the opportunity to explore this season through thoughtful selections of art, music and video.

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On the Authentic Life

A 5 part film study on transformation

This wonderfully rich resource contains five film lesson plans (video not included), each with links to alternate resources, movie reviews, background information and instructions on how to use this resource.

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Reading Between The Lines of the European Reformation (PDF Version)

Session short course of 500 years of social justice, reformation and Martin Luther

500 Years of Reform: A fervor for reformation had been stirring with ebbs and flows for centuries and would see the crumbling of the structures of the Medieval Church.

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The Characters of Christmas

5 Part Advent/Christmas Study Series

When was the last time you followed a star? Talked to an angel? Took an outrageous chance? Ran for your life? Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds and Magi did! Might their stories be inviting you to take a chance on transformation?

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Advent 4 Week Study Year C (E-Delivery)

This special 4-week Advent Study offers an exploration of the season using rich visual art and music. Many congregations choose to mark these Sundays with the lighting of candles in the Advent wreath, balancing the dark days of winter with the promise of a coming spring.

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Advent 4 Week Study Year B (E-Delivery)

This special 4-week Advent Study offers an exploration of the season using rich visual art and music. Many congregations choose to mark these Sundays with the lighting of candles in the Advent wreath, balancing the dark days of winter with the promise of a coming spring.

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Advent 4 Week Study Year A (E-Delivery)

This special 4-week Advent Study offers an exploration of the season using rich visual art and music. Many congregations choose to mark these Sundays with the lighting of candles in the Advent wreath, balancing the dark days of winter with the promise of a coming spring.

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Our Contested Story – Free eBook

“Our Contested Story” is a whirlwind ride through the ancient yet contemporary conversation between Christian and secular cultures.

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The Future Is Calling Us To Greatness

With series host Michael Dowd + 55 Experts

A worldwide movement is emerging at the nexus of science, inspiration, and sustainability. Beliefs are secondary. What unites us is a pool of shared values and commitments—and the vision of a just and healthy future for humanity and the larger body of life. This historic series of 30-60 minute Skype interviews showcases the work of many of today’s leaders and luminaries regarding what to expect in the decades ahead, what’s being done—what still needs to be done—and how to be in action despite enormous challenges. These 55 experts represent a veritable Who’s Who of prophetic inspiration.

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The Origins of the Bible: The Old and New Testaments

Introducing Bishop Spong’s landmark series on the Origin of the Bible covering both Old and New Testaments.

His scholarly analysis and signature insights breakdown the past, present and future of these sacred texts.

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Sixth Extinction ?

Moving Beyond A Fast Approaching Critical Fork In Our Evolutionary Road (Free eBook)

Prominent scientists throughout the world are now telling us that before the end of the present century we may be facing a sudden and dramatic reversal in planetary sustainability. They point to a succession of dangerous ecological “tipping points” from which there can be no return. In his new book David Anderson explores solutions to this dilemma and provides a way for us to address them. He shows how this can be accomplished by challenging the implicit ecological legitimacy of many of the institutions on which human society is now grounded; political, social, religious, economic. He gives the reader a life changing way to partake in this great event that calls for a radically new understanding of our relationship to Planet earth and the cosmos.

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Practical pointers for interfaith dialogue – the United Kingdom experience

This handy interfaith toolkit is full of useful resources and provides a bird’s eye view of interfaith activity in the United Kingdom. Themes touched on include why dialogue?, dialogue practicalities, dialogue on difficult issues, dialogue over food, limits to dialogue and bi-lateral, tri-lateral & multi-lateral dialogue.

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Jewish-Christian Dialogue – Biographies of 30 Key Figures

Fifteen of the individuals profiled here are Jewish and fifteen are Christian. The biographies feature “pioneers” who were highly active some decades ago as well those who are “contemporary voices.” You can view, download or print these biographies.

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Hebrew Multifaith Golden Rule Poster

The Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel and the Scarboro Missions Interfaith Department (Toronto, Canada) are pleased to announce the publication of a Hebrew-language poster featuring texts of the Golden Rule in 13 religions.

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French Language Golden Rule Poster

Produced by Scarboro Missions, this French-language multifaith poster features Golden Rule texts in 13 religions.  To view or download the French poster, free of charge, click on the below image.

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Progressive Lectionary

Reading Bishop Spong and Marcus Borg primarily, along with “Ministry Matters” and other readings, has lead me to believe if we attach the “Common Lectionary” to our Hebrew founders (as Bishop Spong has done) we have a better shot at arriving at the inner soul end point we desire.

This Lectionary is based on the belief that the new fundamentals should be taught.

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