Advent Prayer

We crouch with Mary on the straw of our messy lives
letting go of everything but this moment.

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The Birth of Jesus Prayer

Born to a poor uneducated carpenter and his partner
All: Jesus was one with oppressed humankind

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A Baby Cries

Christmas Prayer, December 1992

A baby cries…
and its cry commands our attention.
What does it need, how can we provide?

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Answers for Lukas

My “musing” a few weeks ago focused on a 7-year old boy’s question:  “What ideas do you have about how to stop the mean people?”  Since seeing his question on a poster he made and placed on …

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I Will Light Candles this Christmas

by Howard Thurman

I will light candles this Christmas.
Candles of joy, despite all sadness.
Candles of hope where despair keeps watch.

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The Most Astounding Fact- Neil deGrasse Tyson- Video

Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?” This is his answer.

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Oh essence of all that is worthy of praise, teach us to be grateful for our blessings; help us grow in compassion toward those less fortunate than ourselves, and draw us closer together in the generosity of your Grace.

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Sharing The Light: Is There a Science to Prayer?

Sharing the Light is an Internet talk show of The Sunshine Cathedral where Rev. Drs. Durrell Watkins and Robert Griffin discuss theological questions of interest to our community.

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Sharing The Light: Progressive, Positive, Practical Spirituality FAQs

Sharing the Light is an Internet talk show where Reverends Durrell Watkins, Robert Griffin, and others discuss theological questions of interest to our community.

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Sharing the Light: What Is the Holy Spirit?

Sharing the Light is an Internet talk show where Reverends Durrell Watkins, Robert Griffin, and others discuss theological questions of interest to our community.

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Sharing the Light: Spiritual Practices for Progressive Christians

In this episode of Sharing the Light, Sunshine Cathedrals Senior Pastor Durrell Watkins speaks with Light University Academic Dean Robert Griffin and Mona West, Spiritual Practices Consultant on the subject of Queer Bible Study. We invite you to join us for an enlightening conversation on Sharing the Light.

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Framework of Christmas – first Sunday of Advent in Aotearoa

In Advent, we build the framework of Christmas
together we put up scaffolding
signalling something’s being renovated
something new is being created.

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Come, let us walk the road (Advent Call to Worship)

Come, let us walk the road that Mary walked
the challenging road
from Nazareth to Bethlehem
not knowing what the future holds.

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Stations of the Cross for Progressive Christians: Grow in Love as You Journey with Christ

A Lenten tradition in Western Christianity is to meditate upon the journey Christ took to Calvary. These stations or steps are found both in the Scriptures and in the traditions and legends of catholic Christianity. For many this practice is used to participate in the suffering and sacrifice endured by Christ. I encourage you to also take up this journey seeing within each station a calling for the modern, progressive Christian to grow in the ways and love of God. Meditate upon each station considering the questions or thoughts presented with a Scriptural verse to ponder and a brief prayer of the heart. In John 15:12 Jesus tells us, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” Only by walking with Christ and seeing just how much he truly loved everyone can we begin to love others in the same fashion.

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I Am

I am,
said God to Moses from the burning bush.

I am the light of the world…
I am the way…
I am the gate…
I am the vine…
I am the bread…
Before Abraham was, I am…
said Jesus.

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Prologue: Before is Now

Before the Beginning,
The Egg,
Simply, infinitely being,
Unimpeded, and
The Word.

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Opening Prayer

Gracious life-giving God, you call us to live out our faith in ways that honor you and bless our neighbors, and we recognize that worship is an essential part of our faith journey.

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Draw Us Closer

God in our distant places
Draw us closer

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