LEADER 1: We’ve come together today to celebrate the work of healers. We come to bless the healing work of our hands. Each of us brings unique gifts and a unique self to our various tasks. Today we come to celebrate our call and gifts and to remember how much we need one another. No one person has all the gifts. We rely on one another and work together in this community to bring healing to people who come to us. Through blessing our hands, we acknowledge that they are holy hands, given to fulfill divine purposes. This blessing symbolizes our belief in the sacredness of our everyday lives and work. Through this blessing we recognize the divine presence with us here and now.
LEADER 2: Spirit of Wisdom, we come seeking you for the work of healing you have given our hands to do. Thank you for working through our hands to provide healing.
ALL: Healer and Sustainer, we thank you for the privilege of joining hands with those in pain and suffering, of walking with them at the very heart of their lives.
LEADER 1: Help us to remember that by our presence, our words, and our actions, we offer to others your life, your hope, and your love.
ALL: You have given us hands to touch one another’s lives with comfort and healing.
LEADER 2: Help us never to use our hands to push away those whom we need, nor those who need us.
ALL: Help us to reach for you in our moments of calm and frustration, anxiety and peace, grief and joy.
LEADER 1: May we use our gifts to bring healing to those whom you place in our care
ALL: Bless our hearts and hands, Holy Wisdom, and guide us to use them to make whole what is broken in our world.
LEADERS : We invite everyone who would like to come now and receive a blessing of your hands. We invite healthcare workers in all fields. We all work together to bring healing. (Using water or oil, leaders anoint the hands of each person who comes to receive a blessing. Leaders may softly speak a sentence blessing for each person, such as “May Divine Wisdom bless the healing work of your hands.”)
Divine Wisdom, Spirit of love and grace and healing, may we feel your deepest blessing on the work of our hands. May your power within and among us bring healing to all the people we touch. Bless our gifts as we continue to become all you created us to be in your divine image, now and always.
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