Heavenly Homos, Etc.: Queer Icons from LGBTQ Life, Religion, and History


Saints and heroes of the LGBTQ community come alive through bold artwork in Heavenly Homos, Etc. by Dutch priest Jan Haen. He paints diverse people of faith, courage, and love who can inspire readers with new models of queer holiness. The clear, concise style packs a whole pantheon of saints into a single user-friendly volume.

Dozens of saints and historical figures from all over the world are presented, including popular favorites such as Sebastian, David and Jonathan, Joan of Arc, Sergius and Bacchus, Harvey Milk and Matthew Shepard. Less famous but richly deserving people are also canonized by Haen’s paintbrush.

Short, accessible text lets the pictures tell their stories. The book’s deceptively simple style conveys sophisticated understandings of sexual orientation and queer Biblical scholarship. Large, colorful illustrations on every page present a fresh, unsentimental perspective on saints and other uplifting people. Intended for adults, the book naturally includes the occasional nudity that is needed to tell the history.

“Queer saints danced in my soul when I read Heavenly Homos Etc. Let the heavenly homos encourage you by revealing their place in human history and in God’s creation.” — Kittredge Cherry, publisher of Qspirit.net, author of Art That Dares and The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision

More Reviews

A beautiful book depicting the lives of the queer saints, ie, the holy ones of God whose lives spread the only true Gospel, that of Love. Winningly written and imaginatively captured, this book communicates the divine presence in and for all of God’s diverse creation. – William Glenn

I can’t believe it’s taken so long for such a book to be written. The fact is that LGBTQI are part of the community. They are no longer relegated and marginalized to the shadows. This is not a book for gay people; it’s a book for all people. And let’s remember that when one part of society benefits, all parts benefit. That’s just the way it is. – Joe Scianna, Jr

It is so hearting to see that Jan Haen has written Heavenly Homos Etc. LGBTQ+ saints of God have been quietly present from the beginnings of time, and now a compendium of queer saints and their witness is made available for all.  Truly a gift, and long past due. – Phyllis Colvin

I really enjoyed Heavenly Homos etc. I found it informative and insightful. I enjoyed the culmination of stories of LGBTQIA+ Saints through history. Jan has done amazing research on the subject and her work is so very important and relevant to the community of LGBTQIA+ Christians today. – Cyndi

Read Jan’s the sequel to Heavenly Homos: Heavenly LBGTQI+.

About the Author

Jan Haen is a Dutch visual artist and Redemptorist priest who has ministered in the Netherlands and South Africa. He painted murals in schools, churches and public places in Africa and across Europe. Haen is an active member of the Werkverband van Katholieke Homo-Pastores, an association of gay Catholic pastoral leaders.

Published by  Apocryphile Press

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