Immersive Programs in Transformative Practices



With great pleasure, Spirituality & Practice invites you to become part of the inaugural group for two training programs based on the recognition that all of life is a spiritual practice. These programs are for individual seekers, spiritual leaders and companions, caregivers and service providers, and activists in change-making organizations.

You will learn how to bring such qualities of heart and mind as attention, beauty, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, hospitality, openness, transformation, vision, and wonder into your home, community, workplace, and the larger world. You will be part of a global effort to foster a loving world in which all people live with dignity, a sense of belonging, and a reverence for all life through the sharing of transformative practices and the wisdom of the world’s religious and spiritual traditions.

Why Spiritual Literacy?

Spiritual Literacy is the ability to read the signs that point to the active presence of Spirit within and around us. This skill can be applied in all life experiences to discern a world full of meaning and connection. As such, it is a foundational study for any personal or spiritual growth program.

Spiritual Literacy powerfully enhances professional development both within and beyond the arena of spiritual work. It generates a wider perspective on your experiences and an expanded sense of resilience and capacity. Spiritual Literacy training enables spiritual leaders, chaplains, life coaches, educators, counselors, spiritual directors, psychologists, social workers, community organizers, healthcare professionals, nonprofit and business leaders, and others to thrive both personally and professionally.

How and What Will You Learn?

Spiritual Literacy is learned through illustration, film and book resources, mentoring and small group reflecting, and, most importantly, spiritual practices. These components are central to our two 9-month Spiritual Literacy Certificate Programs.

Your training will begin with an immersion in the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy. This extraordinary tool for cultivating a life of meaning and connection was developed by Spirituality & Practice’s founders, Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat, as the foundation of their acclaimed book Spiritual LiteracyThe 37 letters of this Spiritual Alphabet — from Attention to Zeal (see complete list at right) — are universal spiritual practices in every transformative tradition. They can also be understood as core values and qualities of heart and mind. Each has been carefully vetted and validated through a deep study of the world’s religious, spiritual, psychological, and cultural traditions. They are essential to wellbeing, resilience, strong relationships, social commitment, openness to diversity, and personal transformation. The Level 1 training will help you learn to read the sacred in everyday life.

As you proceed in your study of the Spiritual Alphabet in Level 2, you will explore how to apply it to a wide variety of life moments — everyday activities, emotional experiences, times of transition, and periods of community engagement. You will also discover countless ways in which these practices address your personal symptoms of struggle and imbalance as well as the difficulties expressed by those with whom you live and work. The Level 2 training will give you experience in living and leading others in living a meaningful life.

Throughout the Certificate programs, you will discover that what makes this study truly unique is the virtually endless set of resources that have been gathered and curated to help you explore, understand, and illustrate Spiritual Literacy. Students and graduates of our programs join a worldwide community supported by the Spirituality & Practice website and its 65,000+ pages of content — all coordinated and curated around the framework of the Spiritual Alphabet. You will never run short of resources and support as you continue in this profound way of life.

Visit Spirituality & Practice website for more information on courses, dates and instructors. 

Topics: Education. Resource Types: Degree Programs, eCourse, and Education.

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