We pray,
conscious that
raising our hearts and minds
is a gift of the Spirit of Life
at work
in the depths of our being.
May the Great Mystery that we call God
keep alive in each one of us
the search for a Faith that is real;
When Jesus sat at tables and broke bread with tax collectors, lawyers, rich elites, and poor peasants, he proclaimed that God’s gracious love and abiding presence know no bounds.
read moreNew verses for “For the Beauty of the Earth” and “Faith While Trees Are Still in Blossom”
read moreThe Spirit of God is both humble and gentle,
devoid of hypocrisy, sharp as a sword.
And when we are driven along by that Spirit
we live with God’s courage, embody God’s Word.
A pinch of yeast within the flour
A treasure hidden in the ground
We know not the day nor hour
When the pearl is finally found
God of the water and God of the land,
Work in us now and help us be Your hands,
Faithfully tending the seeds that we’ve sown –
In Your great garden, we’re never alone.
God loves everyone the same,
and knows every girl and boy by name.
God made every girl and boy
to sing and dance and play with joy,
sing and dance and play with joy.
Life in abundance, Jesus says
I bring to set the world ablaze,
Exalt the weak and poor.
Creating God, your fingers trace
The bold designs of farthest space:
Let sun and moon and stars and light
And what lies hidden praise your might.
Leader: Give thanks for the Lord’s goodness, God’s love is steadfast and forever.
People: God has gathered us from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south, and rescued us from trouble.
No matter how different someone is from us, they are part of the human family, one of God’s children to be valued and treated with dignity.
ALL: All of life is connected in an interdependent web.
…a review by Jim Burklo of “We All Breathe” by Gretta Vosper
read moreGenerous affection is my inspiration for whole relationships. May my narrow mind arise above all limiting expectations; my fearful heart stir with certainties of compassion; and my actions witness to peace.
read moreThe influence that adults have on children is profound. But we often don’t realise our importance as role models.
read moreIn acceptance I learn change
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