Worship Materials: Eucharistic Resources

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

Behind the words the actions, behind the actions the mystery. The Eucharist is a prism through which we can view the painful and joyful realities of life.

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The Holy Communion

Celebrant: God, you are with us.
People: You are always with us.
Celebrant: May we open our hearts.
People: May we know your presence.
Celebrant: In thanksgiving,
People: And in deepest honor.

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Worship Materials: Spirituality

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

Beyond the encounter with the historic Jesus is the meeting with the Inner Christ.

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Gospel Song

earthsized waves ring gospel truth
in measures long as swells of surf
wide as air among redwood trees
a word or tune will catch the beat

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Tapestry of Life

Our lives can be described through the language of pictorial depiction
So can humankind’s relation to our Creator-God, often with conviction

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Worship Materials: Certainty and Doubt

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

1. It is a wise person who knows their ignorance.
2. You can never grasp all of the mystery.
You can only allow yourself to be grasped by it.

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For Hope

My agitation cannot rest, my busy mind is not attentive; hope evades me. Gloom fills darkness and dawn does not dispel my plight.

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Worship Materials: Creativity/Beauty/Imagination

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

New images arise out of the death of old images so do not be afraid of the wilderness or of the dying.

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SALT Project

The SALT Project is a not-for-profit project committed to creating beautiful and theologically interesting church media!

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Eyes for God

Because the earth is all around
The earth I cannot see
Because I use my eyes to look
My eyes are lost to me

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Worship Materials: Change/Evolution/Choice

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

1. Every apparently static order is but a temporary illusion.
2. The illusion of the order and the reality of the chaos.

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A Creed for Healing Transformation

I believe in a mysterious impulse, where the essence of peace restores what is good
I believe in healing love that grows through faith to create joy

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Worship Materials: Reverence and Humor

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

Practice noticing what is humorous and on reflection you will be able to fill your life with laughter.

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Psalm 23

God is my personal consultant. I have it made. She lets me kick back and relax, knowing that with her guidance, everything will go smoothly. She gives me a much-needed boost.

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Worship Materials: Interfaith

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

THEME The Complexities of Spirituality
Instead of concentrating on what we think is wrong with other world religions, our time could be spent more profitably on identifying what we have in common.

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Small Group Prayer

O God, our lives are like a journey, and this Small Group experience has been like a wayside inn where we have paused to be refreshed and reinvigorated for the next stage.

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Worship Materials: Beginnings and Endings of the Day and Blessings

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

May awareness be my companion, love my friend and amazement my expectation.

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Downward Mobility

More and more and then some more
is nothing more than more.
More is rarely better.
More is simply more.

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