Awakening the Fire Within

Written by RBTL Founding Editor Bill Dols, this primer explains the Maueitic (midwife) Method of The Educational Center and provides a learning experience that explores “the student is the curriculum.”

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The Characters of Christmas

When was the last time you followed a star? Talked to an angel? Took an outrageous chance? Ran for your life? Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds and Magi did! Might their stories be inviting you to take a chance on transformation?

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Advent 4 Week Study Year C (E-Delivery)

This special 4-week Advent Study offers an exploration of the season using rich visual art and music. Many congregations choose to mark these Sundays with the lighting of candles in the Advent wreath, balancing the dark days of winter with the promise of a coming spring.

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Advent 4 Week Study Year B (E-Delivery)

This special 4-week Advent Study offers an exploration of the season using rich visual art and music. Many congregations choose to mark these Sundays with the lighting of candles in the Advent wreath, balancing the dark days of winter with the promise of a coming spring.

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Advent 4 Week Study Year A (E-Delivery)

This special 4-week Advent Study offers an exploration of the season using rich visual art and music. Many congregations choose to mark these Sundays with the lighting of candles in the Advent wreath, balancing the dark days of winter with the promise of a coming spring.

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The Mystic Bible

The Mystic Bible is perfectly balanced on the progressive spectrum, meaningful for people who are deeply connected to the stories of the Bible, mystical and poetic, and yet innovative and theologically progressive.

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From Roots to Branches, Spiritual Affirmations and Stories

Every parent and educator will welcome the blend of multicultural tales, biographies, universal spirituality, and original fun adventures of children who could live on your street. Expansive, respectful, real, and warm with kindness, these stories offer possibilities for life to children and adults who feel in their heart that they belong to a larger reality.

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Matt & Lucy’s Version Births- Christmas Pageant

There are four “canonical” gospels in the Bible. While Matthew and Luke are the only gospels to tell the story of Jesus’ birth, their stories are very different from one another.

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A Drop Around the World

This book is a year-after-year favorite with teachers. It engagingly leads readers around the world following a drop of water—whether as steam or snow, inside a plant or animal, or underground—teaching the wonders and importance of the water cycle. (There’s lots of geography, too.) Four pages of science about the qualities of water are included.

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Spiritual Affirmation Poster – Inclusion

Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
The whole world is home, and we are a divine family.

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Welcome Poster (2011 Version)

This is a 12 x 18 poster printed on card stock. Show that your congregation is a part of the growing progressive Christian community!

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8 Points Flyer (2011 Version)

We have a new 2011 updated version of our Welcome Poster and our 8 Points. Here is the text of the new 8 points.

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DEAS…and Other Imaginings. Ten Spiritual Folktales for Children

Somewhere between zen and folktales, somewhere between child’s play and wisdom, somewhere between dreaming the world and healing it. Read these stories aloud – to your child, to your love, or to yourself beneath a sacred tree.

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Jewels of Silence, CD by Ashana

A musical retreat for the soul, it quiets the mind, returning you to a place of deep stillness and remembrance of the Divine …a place where you will be inspired and uplifted …a place of comfort and peace.

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Ashana, All Is Forgiven, CD

“With a voice that sounds like it was touched by an angel and musical arrangements that strike an equal balance between heavenly and holistic, Ashana is an artist like no other. Her music reaches you on an emotional level, welling up feelings of gratitude, longing and peace.”

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Children’s Spiritual Affirmation Posters – Package of 5

Spiritual Affirmation Posters for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
Package of all 5 Posters
Size: 13 x 19, laminated, with border

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Beloved, CD

Tender, joyful, gentle, and breathtakingly beautiful, the music of “Beloved” is a healing balm for the soul that will lift your spirit and carry you on waves of love into the arms of the Divine.

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Ladybug- music CD

Butterflyfish began with a watermelon picnic. While the kids ate and played, the grown-ups got to talking about music, about faith, and about how best to pass on and enjoy the old, old stories in beautiful new ways.

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Inside All

“Inside all / Is a universe / Energy flowing.” So begins a journey at the outermost edge of everything. Inside the universe is a galaxy, milky and glowing, and inside the galaxy is a planet, blue and hopeful. The text moves from space to earth, from valley to village, and finally to a home where a child sleeps.

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Great and Small, CD

Like many parents, we knew that our kids were connected spiritually with the world, but we couldn’t find much music to help them deepen and develop that connection. And so we started to write songs, and sing them together in our living room

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Sing and Dance and Play with Joy, Inclusive Songs for Young Children

This collection offers a theologically rich and musically flexible resource for those who lead young children in music experiences in the church or at home.

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Spiritual Affirmation Poster – Inclusion

Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.

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Spiritual Affirmation Poster – God is Everywhere

Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
God is everywhere, within me and around me.

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Spiritual Affirmation Poster – Expanding Awareness

Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
I am a part of all creation.

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Spiritual Affirmation Poster – Success

Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriuculum, A Joyful Path.
My success is measured in happiness and peace within.

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Spiritual Affirmation Poster – Prayer

Spiritual Affirmation Poster for children from our children’s curriculum, A Joyful Path.
My heart is connected to spirit through prayer.

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Children Praying a New Story – A Resource for Parents, Grandparents, and Teachers

Morwood’s books have been especially insightful and helpful to adults struggling with prayer and ritual while radically reconstructing their Christian faith.  This book is for adult Christians engaged in this shift, now asking the vital questions: How do we educate children into this new faith perspective?  How do we pray with them if prayer is not about addressing an external, listening Deity?

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