Getting Ready

Are you always looking ahead, getting ready for the next event, the next project, the next vacation, the next thing to do?

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The restless, curious, ever-questioning human mind… every new door we open leads to new … and more doors.

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Earth Day April 22, 2023

Thomas Berry wrote: We must move beyond a spirituality focused simply on the divine …

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Springtime is for planting, one of those everyday expressions of great faith. We plant seeds and water and weed them, and expect a harvest.

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Holy Week 2023

You can’t get to Easter without going through Good Friday.

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Lenten Music

New music telling the ancient story can bring that story alive in our own time.

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Easter Season Poems

Poetry and religion seem to go together: two approaches to the challenge of trying to capture the ineffable in words.

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Simply Allowing

How astonished we are to discover how much of life is actually not under our control!

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More Music for Worship

More music and more composers and lyricists! … Progressive Christian worship music.

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Solitude is becoming ever more precious in our overly-wired world. Lent is the perfect opportunity to give yourself the gift of time alone.

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What Is Christian?

Progressive Christians are constantly challenged to claim the title of Christian — in the sense of being a follower of Jesus’ teachings — while letting go of most of the dogma that has been developed over the centuries by the human institution that is church.

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More Poetry

“Less is more.” A carefully crafted poem leaves so much to the reader’s imagination, which makes it the perfect vehicle for spiritual insights.

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“Thanks, Jack”

How many people do you suppose have had their eyes and hearts opened to progressive Christianity because of John Shelby Spong?

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The learning that we pursue with our intellect is one kind, but the wisdom we come to understand through our hearts is another.

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Boundless Love

We search and strive and struggle all our lives, and in the end it always comes back to love. Boundless love.

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We are all connected, not only across nations and cultures and religions, but across time. Even as we head into the future, we carry with us our ties to the past.

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Transforming Visions

Metanoia… change your thinking… see differently… Transforming visions can do that for us.

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Christmas Spirit

“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”

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Mary’s Story

What must the months before the first Christmas have been like for the young Mary?

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Advent Prayers

Advent prayers remind us what a difficult time and place Jesus was born into. And yet… has there ever been a time when it was not difficult to be born with such gifts?

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Humans are story-tellers. It’s how we remember important things.

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Ten thousand flowers in spring
the moon in autumn,
a cool breeze in summer,
snow in winter.

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Peace Making

If there is to be peace in the world, there must be peace in the nations.

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December Rituals

December brings us Advent, the winter solstice, and if we happen to live in the southern hemisphere, high summer. Rituals abound.

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Along the Way

Christianity is changing, or at least the institutional expression of it is changing.

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How we approach prayer says everything about who or what or if we think God is.

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Part of the Web

Our separateness is an illusion. We are inextricably connected to the web of all that is. Every action we take, even the energy of every thought, becomes part of that web of connection.

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Communion Images

“What does communion signify to you?” If you ask that question in a safe-to-tell-my-truth group, it’s often surprising what variety comes forth.

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Just as progressive Christians have found new symbolism for the bread and wine of communion, so too we look for new words with which to express the ancient ritual of baptism.

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Leaving Worship

Gathering for worship is rather like a chance to recharge your batteries.

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Where do you feel welcome? Where do you feel like you have “come home”?

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Poetry and worship seem made for each other. There we are, gathered to share our understanding of a power-that-is-beyond-understanding, and we are convinced that more words will make it clearer.

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Memorial Services

It can be a challenge to compose a funeral or memorial service when you know the gathered group will have a range of religious persuasions.

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Insight comes to each of us in its own time, when and as we are ready to absorb it. With each fresh “Aha!” we realize that this path of discovery we are on is very old, with well-worn footsteps that now bear our imprint as well.

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No Hands But Ours

Christ has no body but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

Compassion on this world,

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Communion Music

The ritual of communion can have many different symbolic interpretations in its role of remembrance of the life and teachings of Jesus. The same is true of the music we sing to accompany the ritual.

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