“We’re Good”: When Forgiving is Unnecessary

In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, also known as the Parable of the Forgiving Father, there is, curiously, no moment in the story when the father forgives his son. When taken as a parable of forgiveness, we may be seeing what we expect to see rather than something even harder to imagine – unwavering compassion, which is even more fundamental to the life of love.  

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More than a vision: A vision also demands accountability

Very little of the 19th century theology and practice, designed precisely for coexisting comfortably with slavery and segregation, has been reformed. From colonial America on, white Christians have literally built – architecturally, culturally and theologically – white supremacy into an American Christianity that held an a priori commitment to slavery and segregation.

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A Body of Work by John C. Robinson, Ph.D., D.Min

Profound shifts in consciousness are driving the accumulated crises of the world. I believe the timeless and universal vision of this work is critical to our survival. 

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The Bible and Climate Change

Part One

It’s Part One of Salt Project’s two-part series, “The Bible and Climate Change” — rethinking scripture from the ground up in the face of the greatest global challenge in human history. In this episode, we start with Genesis, and uncover how “climate change” — though it’s never mentioned in the Bible — is on virtually every page.

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Christian principles help to make it through difficult times.

I personally think that the most challenging times are the moments that birth the strongest aspects of a faith tradition. Despite not being able to gather in person there are many ways to stay grounded in Christian principles and find ways of connecting during this era of social distancing.

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The Next Challenge for ProgressiveChristianity.org

I see a great opportunity for ProgressiveChristianity.org to move in a new direction. I must admit to making this recommendation in fear and trembling because I know nothing about the internal operation of an organization I dearly love.

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Pastor Donnie McClurkin’s struggle with sexuality mirrors the black church’s

The most significant factor that keeps the Black Church on the down-low are closeted, homophobic ministers. Pastor Donnie McClurkin- a three-time Gospel Grammy winner and the former poster boy for African American ex-gay ministries -is one example.  In a recent episode of TV One’s “Uncensored,” McClurkin talked about his sexual past. 

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BE KIND > be right

“You can’t win an argument. You can’t because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it.” ― Dale Carnegie, “How to Win Friends and Influence People”

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A Tribute to All Healthcare Workers Battling The Covid-19 Pandemic

This is a tribute to all healthcare workers battling the Covid-19 pandemic, sung by members from Canterbury & Coventry Choirs.

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A Character with True Character: Compassion as a Step We can All Take Toward Inclusivity

Deep-rooted, systemic racism and other forms of exclusivity, potential reparations, and related issues are complex and will take strong yet peaceful activism, advocacy, and commitment to satisfactorily address.

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Two films of women making a difference for the environment

A feature-length documentary, presents the remarkable life story of the Gandhian eco-activist and agro-ecologist, Vandana Shiva. And, a documentary about the Green Belt Movement of Kenya and its founder Wangari Maathai, the first environmentalist and first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

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Who Made the Monster?

Thoughts & Dreams on the Nightmare in Atlanta

Is Mr. Long, the monster who brought suffering and sorrow to Atlanta, simply the product of a racist, misogynistic socio-political environment; the victim of mental illness, the prisoner of a defective personal genome he has no control over?

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Choose Your Parade: The 8th Point of Progressive Christianity

On Palm Sunday, there were two parades: one representing oppressive Roman Imperial Theology and one representing the compassion and selfless love of the Reign of God. Join Co-Executive Director of ProgressiveChristianity.org Rev. Dr. Caleb J Lines as he talks about the 8th Point of Progressive Christianity in relation to Palm Sunday.

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The Role of the Public Intellectual in a Just Society

The Freedom Of The Public Intellectual

r. Joan’s lectures on The Public Intellectual open up a new awareness that illuminates a blind spot that can develop for progressive thinkers. Traditional liberals have typically focused on critical thinking about biblical exploration and constructive theology. The unintended consequence of such an academic focus has been to overlook the reformative power of what can happen when this debate is held not behind closed doors, but in the public square.

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Sermon on Point 7 of Progressive Christianity: Protecting the Earth

Exploiting the earth manifests in a number of ways including environmental racism. Listen to Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines discuss Point 7 of Progressive Christianity: protecting and restoring the integrity of the Earth.

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Emotions 101

Emotions are feelings. They happen naturally. Emotions are our response to being alive. As we are human–alive and awake–we have interactions with the world, and we experience emotions. Expressing emotions in a healthy manner is the birthright of every human being.

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Requiem: January 6

In appreciation of the Capitol Police who defended Democracy on January 6.

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Sermon: Peace & Justice – The 6th Point of Progressive Christianity

We cannot follow Jesus without pursuing peace and justice. Period.
Listen to Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J Lines discuss the extreme importance of the 6th Point of ProgressiveChristianity.org’s 8 Points of Progressive Christianity.

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