I have two points to make today. The first is very practical and the second is deeply philosophical.
read moreOne thing I fail to see addressed anywhere is the mayhem of blacks upon blacks in cities such as Chicago. Do black lives matter only when death is caused by a law enforcement officer?
read moreMassachusetts hospitals are filling up again, like those across the country. Many of the patients are blacks and Latinx Americans, the demographic groups disproportionately slammed by the coronavirus pandemic. The good news is that a vaccine is just weeks away from distribution. The troubling question is, will blacks and Latinx Americans show up?
read moreKat Lavers gardens her 100-square-metre back yard with such efficiency that she grows over 400 kilos of food a year to feed family & friends. She speaks eloquently and passionately about why small-scale urban gardening is so important for the resilient future of our cities.
read moreWhat can we as a nation learn from the aftermath of George Floyd’s death?
read moreThe late Marcus Borg is credited with describing the historical Jesus as being the teacher of radical compassion. In this time when it appears, as Paul Krugman has recently published, our culture of selfishness is killing us, it is vital that we take up that mission of teaching radical compassion.
read moreFor many people, and certainly for the business community, the Christmas season is over by New Years day. But the traditional Christian calendar actually extends Christmas until January 6, which begins the season of Epiphany. Hence, the “Twelve days of Christmas” as enumerated in the popular song.
read moreHow did wearing a mask to avoid spreading the Covid virus become a politically partisan issue? It has become apparent that one of the most difficult tasks ahead of the USA is learning again how to disagree without dividing the nation.
read moreMatthew Fox has been one of my dearest friends for 25 years as well as a beloved mentor and inspiration. We have worked together innumerable times and I continue to be amazed at his focused mystical brilliance and the ceaseless flow of amazing work that has poured from him.
read moreWhat is being made crystal clear is that humanity stands at a monumentally fragile threshold with two stark choices placed before it in a situation of complete uncertainty: Those choices are: 1) To continue to worship a vision of power, totally distanced from sacred reality 2) Or to choose the path of submitting bravely to the alchemy of being transfigured by a global dark night event that shatters all illusions but reveals the greatest imaginable possibility being born out of the greatest imaginable disaster.
read moreJen Kidwell brings you the fruits of her expertise. Here are 3 Discussion Guides on Anti-racism: Raising White Kids, Between the World and Me and How to Be an Antiracist.
read moreAt the end of World War I, there was a hope that this had been the “war to end all wars.” Armistice Day was established to celebrate the agreements that they hoped would lead to an eternity of peace on the planet earth. It was only 30 years before the world was plunged into another global conflict that claimed even more lives.
read moreTraditionally, the last Sunday of the Church year is celebrated as Christ the King or the Reign of Christ Sunday. But we here at Holy Cross, we are a progressive bunch, and we are accustomed to looking beyond images of kings or rulers to imagine the wonders of CHRIST who has cosmic dimensions.
read moreA powerful reminder that the gospel is a subversive message that challenges oppression and calls us to be on the side of the marginalised.
read moreNow is not only a moment to celebrate, but a moment to rededicate ourselves to creating a future where kindness and compassion, justice and wisdom, are not only possible, but real.
read moreIn our present world today the impact and consequences of Climate Change and Covid 19 have been staggering.
read more“When someone tells me that they believe the Bible is the literal and inerrant word of God, I always ask, “Have you ever read it?” ~ Bishop John Shelby Spong
read moreDo you treat the world, the universe, reality as a partner with whom you’ve been in a long term relationship?
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