Gorman’s inauguration poem has black women talking

Amanda Gorman mesmerized a nation with her inauguration poem “The Hill We Climb.” The beauty of her presence and the power of her words captured a country battle-scarred and looking for a lifeline.

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Narcissistic Prayer versus the Lord’s Prayer

Can prayers be narcissistic? A great many prayers are in the first person, like the laments in the Psalms. “God help me, rescue me, forgive me, heal me” are typical petitions in the first person. But praying for oneself can become narcissism when concern for oneself supersedes loving our neighbors. 

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Experiencing Other Ways to Worship

With the restrictions of gathering because of COVID-19 what are your thoughts on other ways to worship?  Can you experience the same benefits by attending an online service or in an outdoor service where everyone is spread out safely?

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A Colossal Failure of American Religion

The American church has enjoyed many successes. Unfortunately, it’s also been guilty of numerous failures.

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The Hill We Climb

The words of Amanda Gorman, Poet Laureate, from her moving poem during the inauguration of Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris as President and Vice-President of the United States of America.

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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox: Julian on Living through Wellness and Woe

January 16, 2021

Julian of Norwich tells us that in life we “experience a wondrous mixture of well and woe” and that “this mingling of both well and distress in us is so astonishing that we can hardly tell which state we or our neighbor are in—that’s how astonishing it is!”

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The events of Jan 6th can be seen from both a micro and a macro perspective. At the micro level various elements combined to create mob rule with murderous intent.

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Don’t Be Distracted My Friends

Don’t be distracted my friends. Take a deep breath and remember your inherent goodness.

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2021 Looks A Lot Like 2020

The trolls are still here. The barbarians are still at the gates. What now?

A New Year is only magical when we shine light in the darkness, when we choose to bless the world. It isn’t time to wait for miracles to happen, for some ritual to chase away what bedevils us.

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The Red Herring Of ‘Black On Black’ Crime – Continued

As an active UCC member, I was looking forward to reading Dr. Dorhauer’s response. I came away disappointed, however. Though I agree that certainly there are sociological reasons for it (as alluded to at the end), I believe black-on-black crime is a legitimate problem.

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Reasons for Hope (2021 and Beyond)

The promise of new technologies is huge but the risk of lapsing into a world dominated by the few who are wealthy while most are relegated to a peasant class similar to the Dark Ages is very real.

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Creation’s Wisdom: Spiritual Practice and Climate Change

If creation is in crisis, then our spirituality must directly engage this creation and articulate a spiritual framework that will allow us to relate to both the world and the crisis we face that is both life-giving and healthy.

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Why Millennials Are Moving Into Convents With Nuns

Even as young people eschew religion, some are forming unexpected bonds with sisters of faith through a shared commitment to social justice.

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The Toxic Jesus

My Journey from Holy Shit to Spiritual Healing

Uncover the dark power of toxic spirituality and its lingering influence on your life…and learn how to heal from it and access a new intimacy with yourself and a renewed, free and life-sustaining spirituality.

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What makes a good apology.

I was really inspired by Rep. Alexia Ocasio-Cortez’s response to the insults of Rep. Ted Yoho, but I was equally disappointed by Yoho’s pseudo-apology. What makes a good apology?

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Dominion Over Creation and Climate Change

Out of the mouths of babes comes either curiosity and wonder or doubt and defiance. On either extreme the truth that emerges is always a question: “Why?”

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Christmas Magic

It wasn’t until two years ago that I finally understood the magic of Christmas. I tell people with regard to Passover seders that until you’ve been to at least three of them, you don’t really get the genre. I guess I needed a few Christmases of doing it to understand that it’s not about the tree and the gifts.

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Thank God for Science and Religion!

The awesome insight I wanted to share with you was “that the human brain has many times more connections than stars in our galaxy” [p126]. That’s an “aha” from the inside out, or rather, way, way beyond!

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