A neurotic/psychotic thinking imperfection we brought with us into this New Age

Scientists are now warning us that irreparable damage is being done to our planet. Continuing human existence is in question. Yet most of us go about our daily lives with no sense of fear for the future.

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Why I’ve left the church of England

That’s not a typing error – the lower case for ‘church’ is deliberate. As I’ll explain…

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Mystical Activism

In Mystical Activism, we each hold the power to change the world right where we are. To call these “end times” is not hyperbole.

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Celebrating Black History: New Faith & Reason Podcast Episodes

Our scholars and audiences seek understanding about the history and faith of religious people and culture—but not just for the sake of knowledge. Faith And Reason challenges faith to confront injustice in our world. Today, that means taking a critical look at the injustice right in our own backyard.

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Meditations for Lent 2020

According to the Torah, on the Sabbath you can pick up an apple that naturally falls from a tree onto the ground, but you can’t pick it from the tree.  Mindful Christian meditative prayer practice is very similar.  In it, we take time to see things as they are, without interfering with them or trying to fix or change them.

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Facing Our Demons – A sermon on Matthew 4:1-11

Sometimes, in the midst of a crowd we experience the kind of temptations that bring our demons to the surface and we have to take a long hard look at where our desires might lead us. It is not always easy to choose LOVE over fear.

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Saving God from Religion

A Minister's Search For Faith In A Skeptical Age

In this groundbreaking, inspiring book, Robin R. Meyers, the senior minister of Oklahoma City’s Mayflower Congregational United Church of Christ, shows how readers can move from a theology of obedience to one of consequence.

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VIDEO: Shall the People Rule? Jim Burklo as Wm Jennings Bryan

In worship at Mt Hollywood Church in LA, Sunday, Feb 16, I “channeled” William Jennings Bryan, best known as the fundamentalist Christian lawyer who defended six-day creationism in the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925.

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With Reparations, We Must Demand Repair—and Heal Ourselves

By David Ragland for yes! Solutions Journalism

The traumas visited upon Black bodies for the past 400 years have included physical violence and theft of spirituality, which is linked to today’s mental and spiritual wounds, passed down from generation to generation.

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Symbiotic Earth – How Lynn Margulis rocked the boat

A film by John Feldman
147 minutes | English SDH Captions
The film is divided into ten essays. Each essay may be played individually or you can play them in blocks. We suggest playing the 3-minute Introduction before playing an individual essay, or blocks.

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The Kind of Christian I Refuse to Be

I am a Christian.
Actually, it’s more accurate lately to say that I am still a Christian.

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The Gift of Uselessness

Students – and everyone else – are thirsty for non-transactional connections.  They crave real friendships that are grounded in unconditional agape love. 

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Prayer’s Purpose for Progressives

Prayer invites us to quiet our spirits,
to quell the distractions that otherwise avert our attention
from virtues to banalities of existence.

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The Eighth Apocalypse: Part 3

First of all, applying the book of Revelation (BOR) to current events is nothing short of spectacular speculation and hindsight. But, it is amazing that it fits so well in our current time.

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Shine a Light on Your Story

Tell your drama and listen to others. Teach each other to to live out loud. Be a drama addict with me and we will heal, living what is real – in service to all. We will each spring forth, being wonderfully dramatic, writing renewed lives filled with sheer joy and light.

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Acceptance of the reality in which we live

My question is, isn’t it time here in the 21st century to begin to create new ways of thinking and the full acceptance of the reality in which we live?

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We’ve Got Hella Power!

Wow! To me the events of the last 24 hours feel like The Empire Strikes Back. It feels like evil is kicking our butts, defying the dream of democracy.

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The Spiritual Discipline of “Resist”

Finding peace through social justice.

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