Whisper and Relevance

When I look at the writers who examine the relation between religion and politics, most take their cues from the Bible. There are two problems with this approach.

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Woke and Wealth

I read once that if everyone started out with the same amount of good land and the same amount of money or what money could buy, despite the initial equality, some would become rich, and others would become poor. Why would this happen?

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Liturgical Material

Incorporating the new science, creation spirituality, and Christian teaching

Evolutionary Rituals are ways to show how religion, humanity, and divinity evolve.

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Breadcrumb A Hard Time

Wading out of a hard time is awful. But it’s really all we can do. There is no panacea. No miracle fix. No post-it note on the side of a monitor—“take time to notice what is right”—will instantly un-funk a funk.

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It Could Have Been My Daughter!

Gun Violence at Michigan State

I cannot tell you how furious I am with the politicians in our country, in both chambers (mostly Republicans), who stubbornly (thinking only of themselves) refuse to enact significant gun reform legislation. 

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Inhabitants of planet Earth are confronted with the reality that by 2050, or sooner, large parts of the Earth could be uninhabitable.

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Spiritual Constipation

Discover Your True Nature & Get Shift Moving

Spiritual Constipation is a breath of fresh air in an often-musty genre.

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From Amnesia about the Cosmic Christ to Holding Earth Sacred

The Creation Spirituality Lineage Calling All Social and Environmental Activists, Mystic Explorers, Justice Makers, Cosmic Thinkers, Earth Keepers

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – February 13, 2023

Join Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the fantasy, coming of age film, “blaze” – a Tribeca Film Festival Selection.

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14 Questions for Lent

I’m inviting folks to engage with 14 of the questions that Jesus asked his followers during his ministry.  From Ash Wednesday, 2/22, through Easter

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Real Men

I wanted to share a teaser about what makes real men , and it’s not being a marine or cowboy or smoking a certain brand of cancer-sticks.

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Butts and Bottled Water

Earlier this week, I read that Spain has ruled cigarette manufacturers responsible for the cost of cigarette butt clean-up. I was SOOOOO excited about that; completely over the top!

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Bravery Is Relative

We look happy. And we are. But when a friend called this morning and was like, “great photos of you and Eric this weekend!” and all I could think was, you have no idea what shit-show this week has been for me.

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“Martin Luther King, Jr., APRIL 4, 1968”

By Gwendolyn Brooks

His Dream still wishes to anoint
the barricades of faith and of control.

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Dr. King on the Failures of Religion

Dr. Martin Luther King, whose Feast Day we celebrate today, had his criticism of church and religion.

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Epiphany in a Box

Years ago, my dear wife, Roberta Maran, came up with an idea at Christmas that enchanted me.  “In addition to other presents, let’s give people Christmas boxes that have nothing inside of them – except messages that are deep and pithy!”

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The Science of Compassion

Now available on-demand

The Science of Compassion course is intended to present a broad overview of research into a relatively new branch of neuroscience. Compassion can and must be learned.

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