Lifeline for the End Times: Creating a New Humanity During the Apocalypse and Beyond

Part One of Lifeline for the End Times shows how the fundamental problem underlying the destruction of the earth is civilization and its inherent domination system based on violence. It begins by discussing the origin of the malignant fatal disease of our civilization; the domination/violence system. It looks at the foundation of civilization and how changing technologies have brought us to the end time. Today it is not a violent king who rules, but an oligarchy of predatory-capitalists. Part Two proposes a new humanity that is neither hierarchical nor violent and can be built on new memes of love and trust as the foundations of a new social structure.

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A Feminist, the Niqab, St. Francis and the Sultan: A Sermon for the Commemoration of St. Francis

The Season of Creation ends with the commemoration of St. Francis and the rhetoric of election season together with the events chronicled in Paul Moses book “The Saint and the Sultan: The Crusades, Islam, and Francis of Assisi’s Mission of Peace” inspired this sermon.

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Worship Materials: Aging

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

Unlike our bodies our spirits need not be wearied by age but can become more and more lively day by day. To grow in spirit requires a vision that holds all things together.

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Lead Me On


Take me as I am.
Lead me on.
Lead me on
through the night of mystery
into the morning song.

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Worship Materials: Remembrance of the Dead

From the Celebrating Mystery collection

Remembering our ancestors gives life to ourselves and also to them, for we are our ancestors and they are us.

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Croning Circle Ritual

Before we start, we all will exit outside to the labyrinth and begin our silence. Walk the labyrinth to the center and back out while meditating on quieting and listening to the Divine within.

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In Joyous Praise of Our Creator

Covenant, the promise that humans, especially those who understand our mortality, receive from the Eternal One. Co-creation, the promise that our thoughts, decisions and actions during the regular course of the day matter. We either choose to be aligned in the ways of Spirit or we choose not to be. Sometimes our awareness of what we are choosing is conscious and sometimes it is not. When our choices are aligned in Spirit’s ways, we bring about God’s kin’dom, which is something of great value to earth.

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The Chicken and the Egg

I have always suspected it is a chicken and egg phenomenon. What comes first? Personal transformation leads to the desire, or need even, to transform something in the world. Or do our efforts to change something that is unjust, something that causes suffering in the world lead to a personal and spiritual transformation?

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Fred Plumer’s Review and Forward for “Crazy Wisdom” by Tom Thresher

This book … is about doing something new and it is not going to be simple for a lot of people. It is about changing the way we learn, the way we think and the way we relate. It is about going deeper than most people are used to going in our competitive, goal driven society. The book is designed for those in small groups who sincerely want to dive more deeply into the profound wisdom of their traditions to make essential personal changes in their lives through a growing awareness.

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Something Divinely Providential about Our Deaths

I think we got off on the wrong foot, believing that death came into the world because of sin. If there is something divinely providential about our lives, there must be something divinely providential about our deaths. In the language of the previous post, “The Universe in Your Soul,” the cosmos that begat life must have also begat death.

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Colbie Caillat – Try – Music Video

A very sweet song and video that encourages women to love who they authentically are and to not give in to pressure to change the way they look, to be someone they aren’t. Perfect to share with young women in your life.

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Transforming our Lives

The New Year is as good a time as any to work on the transformation of our lives. And isn’t that what life is really all about – transformation. We all go through the usual transformations from being a child, to a teenager, a young adult, a mature middle aged person, and then to become life’s senior citizens.

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Flow of Water, Flow of Life

A meandering stream runs close to a rural church dear to his childhood
With clear water in springtime, turned a sullied brown by summer’s end

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A Christmas Letter to my Community of Readers

I want to express my gratitude to you for being part of this effort. The idea that we could put online a serious adult Bible study and contemporary issue subscription service that would attempt to breach the gap between the Christian academy and the Christian pew and to help us all learn how to think theologically in a new way, was once nothing more than a dream. Each of you has helped to turn that dream into a reality.

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Never Leave the Playground! – Video Interview

We are born to move. For millions of years, our ancestors were hunter/gatherers. During those prehistoric times, they were constantly moving to survive: gathering food, hauling water, hunting game, etc., and they walked or ran an average of 8 to 10 miles every day. There was a direct relationship between movement and survival and good health. Imagine if ancient man was afforded the luxuries of modern medicine. Who knows how long they would have lived?

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Autumn comes in all its fullness

From the Boundless Life collection

Autumn comes in all its fullness
Harvesting both land and hearts.
Autumn has its birth in Winter
In the stillness where life starts.

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We go forward and around

From the Boundless Life collection

We go forward and around
In the cycles of the Earth;
The seasons in their sequence
With death that leads to birth.

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An aging maverick, Episcopal Bishop John Shelby Spong has no regrets

At 82, retired and enjoying life, Bishop John Shelby Spong doesn’t have to be the liberal enfant terrible whose pronouncements for gay rights and against traditional dogmas once scandalized Christendom.

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