A Few Things About Us You Might Be Surprised to Learn…

You might be surprised to learn that we are a small non-profit with a small budget and only four part-time staff members. You might be surprised to learn that our President/Director works full time as a volunteer. You might be surprised to learn that we funnel most of our donations right back into the meaningful projects that we have taken on to help evolve and support faith communities. You might be surprised to learn…

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Matt & Lucy’s Version Births- Christmas Pageant

There are four “canonical” gospels in the Bible. While Matthew and Luke are the only gospels to tell the story of Jesus’ birth, their stories are very different from one another.

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Nature’s Harsh Harmony

Contemplate all nature’s beauty
And embrace its darker side;
Life as sacrifice is ordered;
Sometimes life will be denied;
Celebrate with adoration
New growth after seeds have died.

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I Am Love- Music Video

I was lost in the clutter of my mind and all its thoughts.
I was wrapped up in my worried point of view.
Then your love came and struck me
Just like lightning to my bones
And I knew, and I knew, yes I knew.

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The Times We Live In

These can be favoured times when life has dignity,
When rule of law and human rights breed liberty;
If justice is pursued,
If truth is not subdued,
If we decide to live in peace and harmony.

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Breathe in Breathe Out, by Carrie Newcomer (featuring Amjad Ali Khan)- Music Video

Carrie Newcomer explores the intersection of the spiritual and the daily, the sacred and the ordinary. Over the course of her career she has become a prominent voice for progressive spirituality, social justice and interfaith dialogue. She has been described as “a soaring songstress” by Billboard, a “prairie mystic” by the Boston Globe and Rolling Stone has declared that Newcomer “asks all the right questions.” Author Barbara Kingsolver wrote, “She’s a poet, storyteller, snake-charmer, good neighbor, friend and lover, minister of the wide-eyed gospel of hope and grace.”

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Songs for 1,000 Days- Music CD

Fourteen artists have joined Bread for the World Institute and Women of Faith for the 1,000 Days Movement to educate communities and advocate for policy change in the United States to end hunger at home and abroad and give every child the chance to thrive.

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“Where Does Jesus Live?”

Where does this Jesus live? Where does he stay?
Are gospel stories right in what they say?

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As Well as a Bed

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

As well as a bed
We need an inner space where stillness lives.
As well as a roof
We need the shelter loving gives.

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Beneath My Skin

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Beneath my skin
I’m flesh and bone;
There’s more to me than you can see.

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Life Is for Living Now

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Life is for living now;
Not moaning or groaning,
Avoiding, disowning,
Life is for living now ! (WOW)

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I’m Glad I’m Alive

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

I’m glad I’m alive, I’m glad that I see
There’s never been anyone quite like me.

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Religion and Violence

World religions foster justice,
Teach of wisdom to pursue;
Why then is there so much malice
In what some believers do?

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Imagine, Emmanuel Kelly on The X Factor

Emmanuel Kelly on The X Factor 2011 including judges comments – Sings, Imagine from John Lennon.

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“A Place in the Choir”- Music Video

All God’s creatures got a place in the choir,
Some sing low and some sing higher,
Some sing out loud on the telephone wire,
Some just clap their hands or paws or anything they got.

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The Universe in God

All creation sings a story
Of great splendours to declare;
When we contemplate its beauty
We are called forth into prayer.
We, enchanted, stand in silence;
God discovered everywhere.

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Everything Is Changing

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

Everything is changing
Like the butterflies
Grow from eggs so tiny
To their adult size.

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Eternal Fury Fires the Saints

Eternal fury fires the saints,
who shake and rattle, push and shove,
who challenge every bland excuse,
who seek for justice, work for love.

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