Let’s Play at Being Ice

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

1. Let’s play at being ice,
As cold as frost and snow,
Bringing sleeping time
When life can grow.

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I Would Like to Be Like Jesus

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

1. I would like to be like Jesus,
Gentle, loving, strong and true.
I would like to be like Jesus
And see God in me and you.

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If I Scramble Up a Hill

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

1. If I scramble up a hill,
If I climb into a tree,
If I look out from a cliff,
I can see and see and see.

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Christmas Is a Time for Children

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

1. Christmas is a time for children,
Time for presents, fun and play.
Christmas is a time for children,
Let’s all be children on this Christmas Day.

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Let’s Live Nativity

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

1. Let’s live nativity;
let the manger shape our minds,
the baby touch our hearts,
the mother bless our flesh.

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Changing Church

Orion Pitts, Director of Music & Administrator, First United Lutheran Church, San Francisco

Over the years, I have become much more discerning about the music and the texts that we use. There are many—MANY—hymns that I have dearly loved since childhood, that I just will not use any more, because the theology in them does not reflect an experience of the Divine that I wish to perpetuate.

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When I Pretend

From the ‘Sing Young, Sing Joyfully’ collection

When I pretend that I’m a seed,
A seed lying in the soil,
The seed and I are one.

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The Spectrum of Our Faith and Praise

The spectrum of our faith and praise,
the art that serves through craft or phrase,
brings vital energy and power
to colour this and every hour.

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Xavier Rudd- Lioness Eye- live at The Ogden- Video

Xavier Rudd performs “Lioness Eye” from the album Spirit Bird – live at The Ogden in Denver, CO. Recorded 11-10-12

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Loving God in All Creation

1. Loving God in all creation,
Source and pulse of human life,
Unseen hope of every nation,
Healer of disease and strife;

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To the Tune of a Welcoming God


“David Weiss has created a resource that yokes familiar hymns to his own original texts. Interpreted through Sara Kay’s clear and beautiful singing, these hymns offer a passionate voice of justice and inclusivity to Christian communities. The …

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New Verses for Old Hymns

New verses for “For the Beauty of the Earth” and “Faith While Trees Are Still in Blossom”

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The Spirit of God

The Spirit of God is both humble and gentle,
devoid of hypocrisy, sharp as a sword.
And when we are driven along by that Spirit
we live with God’s courage, embody God’s Word.

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Just a Pinch

Lyrics looking for a tune

A pinch of yeast within the flour
A treasure hidden in the ground
We know not the day nor hour
When the pearl is finally found

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The Landfill Harmonic Orchestra- Video

Favio Chavez- Orchestra Director

Today, there’s an entire orchestra of assembled instruments, now called The Recycled Orchestra.

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Tune: Hanover (O worship the King)

Can peace come on earth? Can we sow the seed?
Can we give it birth? Can it be our creed?
We ponder the answers; we long for Shalom;
We hunger for good-will abroad and at home.

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God of the Water and God of the Land

Tune: Slane (Be Thou My Vision)

God of the water and God of the land,
Work in us now and help us be Your hands,
Faithfully tending the seeds that we’ve sown –
In Your great garden, we’re never alone.

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God Loves Everyone the Same

God loves everyone the same,
and knows every girl and boy by name.
God made every girl and boy
to sing and dance and play with joy,
sing and dance and play with joy.

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