God In My Head: The true story of an ex-Christian who accidentally met God.

Joshua Steven Grisetti didn’t even believe God existed when he experienced an accidental drug overdose… and met Him. The first thing God said: “Stop telling people I don’t exist.” What followed was a life-altering spiritual adventure that you have to read to believe!

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Seven Principles of Interfaith Engagement

Here I offer some basic guidance about how people of different faiths can engage with each other in meaningful and productive ways. This advice is the product of 36 years of interfaith work, culminating in my present job as Associate Dean of the Office of Religious Life at the University of Southern California.

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Interfaith Solidarity

Following the way of Jesus asks of us to support and learn from people of other faith traditions. This may sound counter-intuitive at first. At its best, the Christian tradition asks us to listen for where the Divine is speaking, in whatever surprising places we may find it. We need others as a reminder of how much greater the Divine is than any one religious tradition’s ability to fully capture it.

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The Bell of Liberty and the Price of Freedom – Part 1

(Part 1 of 3)

Once upon a time I was proud to be an American. Now, at the age of 55, I find myself deeply embarrassed to call myself one. The values we once stood for as a country: honor, justice, democracy and freedom, those which I grew up with believing were the sacred hallmark of our great nation, now gag in my throat. Where has it all gone wrong?

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A Way to Understand the Resurrection – Richard Holloway

Richard Holloway, the former Primate of the Scottish Episcopal Church, interprets the story of the resurrection not as an historical tale, but as our own story. Holloway has written of his longing for a humbled and broken church. His own humility and brokenness shines through this video as Holloway embodies his own longing

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Success and Leaps of Faith: Part 2

Step out to the edge of your heart’s greatest calling, brave and courageous adventurer. Still your mind, listen deeply within, follow your intuition and take the leap of faith that will always bridge you from fear of the unknown, to the KNOWN and Holy Grail of your life’s loving mission and realized bliss.

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Prayer at a memorial for an infant child

O Dear One, we are overwhelmed with frustration with the impossibility of fully accepting this unacceptable death.

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A Story Within A Story

Is it a coincidence that the soul is so closely related to the story of Jesus? Does the idea of being born pure of a virgin hint to some basic truth that we’ve been missing about the nature of our true identity? Are the miracles that Jesus performs representative of the restorative properties of the soul? Does resistance indicate that we would not recognize Jesus if he stared us in the face? Would we therefore advocate crucifixion with the accusation of heresy and blasphemy? Is it possible that the soul lives on after death just like Jesus? Why wouldn’t the story of Jesus Christ be a basic metaphor to symbolize the soul?

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Wounding God

It is a sacred challenge to administer justice without vengeance. Jesus calls us to go the extra mile beyond retribution (“an eye for an eye”) and love our enemies. But real love holds the beloved accountable.

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Success and Leaps of Faith: Part 1

Each step of our life’s journey, whether we are aware of it or not, is a series of leaps of faith. Certain moments of our life, seemingly dramatic in nature, serve to punctuate and mark major turning points that define who we believe we are, what we have accomplished, relationships of meaning and opportunities that lead to a particular experience.

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Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

Written by Matt Carriker

On the surface, it seems that death is triumphant.
It appears as though those who conspired to do evil have won.

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Reading Between The Lines, Adult Curriculum (Hard Copy)

Reading Between the Lines is a lectionary based life-centered biblical resource designed for small group youth and adult education in church and home, for individual study or as an aid to preachers. One of the texts from the Revised Common Lectionary is chosen each Sunday. The exploration begins with encountering the story found in the biblical text. The focus then shifts to how this story is happening in the world around us. Finally the questions turn toward how the story is an event in the lives of the people in the group. The journey through the text seeks life-giving questions that wait to be lived.

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Home DVD Edition – Painting the Stars: Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith

Celebrating the communion of science and faith, Painting the Stars explores the promise of evolutionary Christian spirituality. Painting the Stars Home Edition is licensed for private home viewing and features over a dozen leading theologians and progressive thinkers. Each of the seven episodes runs 20 minutes.

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Group DVD Version – Painting the Stars: Science, Religion and an Evolving Faith

Celebrating the communion of science and faith, Painting the Stars explores the promise of evolutionary Christian spirituality.

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Spiritual Awakenings, Enlightenment and the Kitchen Sink

By: Steve Robertson

Spiritual awareness often begins at the point where our inner thoughts reflectively seek meaning in the external world of our drama. This search empowers the transformation of unconscious perception into awakened vision. Such clarity creates the understanding that we are always, consciously or unconsciously, choosing and co-creating our existence.

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Speaking Our Reality

Each moment of the day, nanosecond after nanosecond, we are co-creating a reality from which we are either conscious or unconscious. To the degree we are conscious, lovingly paying attention to the moment, our co-creativity tends to reflect a flow of ease and grace in our experiences. To the degree we are unconscious, we reactively and retrospectively discover the fearful hand that has scripted the dramatic sequences of our existence.

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Jesus, Muhammad and the Goddess

A Girl God Anthology

35 International contributors reflect on finding Goddess within (and without) Christianity and Islam.

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Gretta Vosper: The Atheist Minister

Gretta Vosper is an “atheist minister” in the United Church of Canada. Because of her views, the church might remove her from the pulpit.

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