Born Bad – Original Sin and the Making of the Western World

“Original sin is the Western world’s creation story.”

According to the Christian doctrine of original sin, humans are born inherently bad, and only through God’s grace can they achieve salvation. In this captivating and controversial book, acclaimed historian James Boyce explores how this centuries-old concept has shaped the Western view of human nature right up to the present. Boyce traces a history of original sin from Adam and Eve, St. Augustine, and Martin Luther to Adam Smith, Sigmund Freud, and Richard Dawkins, and explores how each has contributed to shaping our conception of original sin.

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Becoming Part of The Teleological Argument

Occasionally I meet someone and they say to me; I am an Atheist. I think to myself:

What exactly do you mean by that? How can you be so sure of what you disbelieve? You my friend need a better word and a better “A -” with more definition. In today’s quantum world such a statement as yours is “passé.” Theism, Atheism and Deism are word descriptions from the prescientific past.

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Reconciling False Divisions, Part II

Second in a Series exploring the shared Abrahamic roots of three faith traditions

In a world so filled with forced migration and walls of division, the three Abrahmic faith traditions can share a common pilgrimage of faith over belief. It is an act of trust. Put another way, it is an act of submission that draws one into another kind of journey. In this sense, all children of Abraham are “muslims.”

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First Impressions Interview with John Shelby Spong On “Biblical Literalism as a Gentile Heresy”

A close reading of Matthew’s gospel reveals that a literal understanding of Jesus’s story obscures its deep Jewish roots. John Shelby Spong joins Art Remillard to discuss his new book, Biblical Literalism: A Gentile Heresy. Spong was the Episcopal Bishop of Newark before his retirement in 2000, and he is the author of several books to include Why Christianity Must Change or Die and his autobiography Here I Stand.

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What Piece of Advice Would You Give the 16 Year Old You?

From Interviews with visionaries from across the globe.

From Interviews with visionaries from across the globe. Featuring: Gabrielle Roth, Barefoot Doctor, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Marianne, Williamson, Matthew Fox, Steve Biddulph, Dr. Robert Verkerk, Graham Hancock, Satish Kumar, Patrick Holford, Peter-Owens Jones, Mooji Brandon Bays, Byron Katie, Dr. Robert Holden and many others.

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 9: Connecting with Kindness

When we see God within ourselves and others, being kind is natural.

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Luka Lesson – Killing Time (ft Candice Monique) – Music Video

Can’t you see?
Time isn’t of the essence
You can’t measure love or lessons with hours, minutes, days or seconds – No
Life cannot be told by time
What’s infinite will never die
and life goes on while we’re not keeping time
So it’s time for time to die

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 10: Sharing

When we share, our awareness grows beyond our little self to a broader reality.

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Religious Peace

The ‘Sacred’ has so many names
By which we do adore
The mys’try of the universe,
The ever puzz’ling ‘More’.

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The Golden Rule Petition

  The Golden Rule Petition emphasizes that the unifying principle of the Golden Rule lives within all individuals, organizations and groups who serve the world in many different ways. Inspired by the Golden Rule Project in Salt …

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 13: Learning Patience

The slow-moving currents in the ocean depths move in a rhythm untouched by the ever-changing surface of the sea. As we tune into patience and learn to feel a deeper rhythm, we discover that the eternal currents of the cosmic ocean of energy also flow unchanging, despite the storms that blow in material realities.

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When crosses were first devised out of the cruelty that human hearts have learned, who would’ve imagined that God could have transformed such a cruel machine into an icon of love between an older and a younger boy, and between a younger and an older man? Or that such a cause for suffering could create communion among all kinds of Christians?

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Will Anyone Notice?

… evidence of reincarnation can help fulfill one of Christianity’s greatest doctrines, that we are indeed brothers and sisters, and that we should love one another as such. Religious teachings can contain great wisdom, but at the same time, religions separate and divide us. Wars are based on the perception that the enemy is different from ourselves, which allows us to justify killing. Evidence of reincarnation allows us to see that we are universal souls, which are not bound to any one religion, nationality or ethnic group.

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 15: Being an Instrument for Blessing

Finding ways to be a blessing to others is the best way to avoid doing harm. The idea of non-injury or harmlessness extends beyond our actions to our words and thoughts as well. We don’t want to burden children with guilt about their thoughts, but we want to offer opportunities to infuse their hearts and minds with thoughts of blessing and peace toward others.

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 16: Practicing Humility

Humility does not mean self-abasement — it means recognizing an infinite power greater than our little self. Where does humility come in when self-esteem and self-confidence are valued so highly in our society?

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 18: What is Success?

True success means growing in our ability to love and to experience inner happiness.Outward accomplishments are fun, and we want to
always strive for our best. But worldly achievements will always lead to disappointment. True success lies in an ever-increasing experience of spirit in all circumstances

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A Joyful Path, Year One, Lesson 19: Willpower

Willpower is our willingness combined with our power, applied with concentration and determination. Applying our willpower to achieve goals is really a discovery of the divine power and guidance that lies within all creation. We discover that willingness opens the gate to infinite possibilities.

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Matthew Fox Interview with Eric Alexander: Part 2 of 3: What is the Cosmic Christ

This is Part 2 of an interview between Eric Alexander and Matthew Fox. In this clip Eric asks what the word Christ means to Matthew, and whether that answer could reframe what it means to call oneself a Christian, and Matthew offers an insightful response.

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