Water Into Wine

You are a jar of water. The Christ is turning you into wine right now. You don’t know how. I don’t know how. I daresay Jesus didn’t know how either. Stuff is going on in that jar of yours that nobody can explain.

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Progressive Christianity, Mysticism, and Healing

I believe that progressive Christians need to reclaim and redefine the healings of Jesus as part of their embrace of today’s growing movements in global and complementary medicine. Healing can be understood as natural, rather than supernatural, and can involve the transformation of energy in the dynamic interdependence of mind-body-spirit rather than the violation of predictable causal relationships.

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Devil’s Bookmark: How Not to Defend God

Anybody who sets himself the task of acquitting God from the charge of being a “moral monster” has his work cut out for him. Paul Copan knows this, but in his attempt to acquit God he seems to be standing at the bottom of a pit wielding a shovel. How do you get out of a hole withthat tool?

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Resurrection Reflections

Dogs Barking in the Distance

I still remember the existential gut wrenching I felt when I first read John Dominic Crossan’s assertion that underneath the resurrection story that cracks like holy thunder on Easter morning was the more likely scenario that the crucified body of Jesus was probably consumed by wild dogs.

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DEAS…and Other Imaginings. Ten Spiritual Folktales for Children

Somewhere between zen and folktales, somewhere between child’s play and wisdom, somewhere between dreaming the world and healing it. Read these stories aloud – to your child, to your love, or to yourself beneath a sacred tree.

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New American Bible: Revised Edition

The New American Bible revised edition is more than a mere Bible translation. Authorized by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the New American Bible seeks to provide the best resource for understanding the church’s sacred Scripture.

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Beastie Boys’ Adam Yauch’s Buddhist Spirituality Permeated His Life And Music

UPDATE: News outlets have confirmed that Yauch’s death was from cancer. Adam Yauch, the Beastie Boys member who went by the stage name MCA, had long practiced Tibetan Buddhism before his death, which was announced Friday in several …

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A Play About Pluralism by Rev. Brooks Berndt

The Bohemian Supper Club By Rev. Brooks Berndt, Pastor, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Vancouver, WA (While the following play is authored by Brooks Berndt, it is based upon the writings of Diana Eck, Robert Funk, …

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Asking Jesus Forbidden Questions: Thoughts in the Middle of a Recent Night

…while they no longer accept such teachings as the virgin birth, nor the miracle stories, some still consider Jesus to have been divine, and most, if not all, consider him a model of the most perfectly spiritually developed human on the planet, the perfect example of the love of God on earth.

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Ladybug- music CD

Butterflyfish began with a watermelon picnic. While the kids ate and played, the grown-ups got to talking about music, about faith, and about how best to pass on and enjoy the old, old stories in beautiful new ways.

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In A Nutshell

A delightful tail of how an acorn grows into a mighty oak tree, helps sustain other life, and eventually dies and continues to give life to others. The images are wonderfully detailed and beautifully colored.

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Stand Still

Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you
Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here,
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known…

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A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles begins… Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.

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How to live as a Christian without having to believe the unbelievable

Rev. Jim Burklo is the Associate Dean of Religious Life at the University of Southern California. An ordained United Church of Christ pastor, he is the author of books on progressive Christianity: OPEN CHRISTIANITY: Home by Another Road and BIRDLIKE AND BARNLESS: Meditations, Prayers, and Songs for Progressive Christians. His latest book, HITCH-HIKING TO ALASKA: The Way of Soulful Service, will be published late in 2012. You can read his weekly blog, “Musings”, at www.tcpc.blogs.com/musings , and his personal website is www.jimburklo.com .

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Inventing Jesus: An Interview with Bart Ehrman

It was Jesus of Nazareth, not of Nashville, or New York, or…

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Inclusive Hymns for Liberating Christians

Inclusive Hymns for Liberating Christians.

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Seeking Wisdom: Inclusive Blessings and Prayers for Public Occasions

Seeking Wisdom includes more than two hundred inclusive, interfaith blessings and prayers for public occasions. These blessings and prayers can be adapted or combined to fit specific occasions, providing a valuable resource for clergy and laypersons.

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Would that we could

Would that we could read plainly
all the words ever spent in the pursuit of truth
and that they might direct us to its fullness.

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