Sadly, The Bible is the Problem

There is no question that the voices of marginalized people are found in the Bible if you look carefully. The New Testament also presents a picture of a beautiful man who talked about a God of love and forgiveness and who urged his followers to create communities that practiced nonviolence, inclusion, and the pursuit of social and economic justice.

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Pontiff’s synod is not with the times

The polarization we see in society is also reflected in the Church.

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Tim Scott’s homophobic party queries him

Tim Scott is running for president. It’s an impressive feat as the only African American Republican in today’s U.S. Senate and the first Southern Black senator since Reconstruction.

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Heavenly LGBTQ+

Queer Icons from LGBTQ Life, Religion and History

Heavenly LGBTQ+ highlights the role of LGBTQ+ people in the Russia-Ukraine war and puts it into a broader context.

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Q: Can Women Be Pastors?

Today’s “Ask a Progressive Christian” with ProgressiveChristianity.org Board Member Pastor Marshela Salgado: Q: Can Women Be Pastors?

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How Christian Homophobia Fails – The “Three Categories of Laws”

Video Response by Pastor Adam

Whenever a Christian says that there are three categories of laws in the Bible, you should have big red flags because they are likely (mis)using laws as a weapon against vulnerable people.

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When Love Isn’t Quite Enough

Love is, of course, an answer. And while most people of faith can agree on the command to love our neighbors, we need to face the reality of this moment. What is happening among us — the transnational struggles with democracy and attacks on human rights — is far more than a failure to love our neighbors.

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Reflecting on Rainbows

I have always loved rainbows—
their awe-inspiring beauty,

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Why The Clergy Lied – Book 1

A Journalist's Academic Report on LBGTQ and Christianity

The book series provides solid arguments for inclusion of LGBTQ+ Christians in the world’s religious denominations. This book also examines the continuing exodus for those in the LGBTQ+ community and others who have no interest in being included in today’s mainstream churches.

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How the Clergy Lied -Book II

A Journalist's Academic Report on LBGTQ and Christianity

In this Book II of the series, Day explores the impacts of critical historical Biblical interpretation and suggests LGBTQ people have been asking the wrong questions about the Bible.

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The State of the Black Church: Reconciling Communities and Reimagining Inclusion

Effective tools, strategies, and frameworks to bridge the gaping gap between the Black Church and LGBTQ+ Community

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Ask a Progressive Christian – Can You Be a Gay Christian?

Ask a Progressive Christian – Can You Be a Gay Christian?

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Heavenly Homos, Etc.: Queer Icons from LGBTQ Life, Religion, and History

Saints and heroes of the LGBTQ community come alive through bold artwork in ‘Heavenly Homos, Etc’. by Dutch priest Jan Haen. He paints diverse people of faith, courage, and love who can inspire readers with new models of queer holiness. The clear, concise style packs a whole pantheon of saints into a single user-friendly volume.

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Some Woman Somewhere

Poetry for International Women's Day

As International Women’s Day rolled around, that simmering sense of anger came to the surface. It flowed out, however, not in the murky waters of a pity pool, but in a torrent of stories of women all around the world and the challenges they face on a regular, often daily, basis. I set my own concerns aside and wrote for them, my own difficulties of little consequence in the face of what it is other women do every single day. In the light of their strength, our own can be renewed.

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The scrutiny of Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris has been in office since 2020. Harris struggles to carve out a lane for herself, and she feels the weight of being the first Black and Asian American to be the nation’s V.P. However, with an approval rating no higher than 39 percent from multiple polls, can Harris convince the American public for a second term?

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Sermon: Pride Sunday

Sermon by Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines, University Christian Church, San Diego, CA

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The Tarrying Place

The Tarrying Place represents the wit and wisdom of the community of more than one hundred women-folx who make up our ever-expanding Circle, each of whom is engaged in their own life’s journey to activist-centered self and community care reflected in our guiding mantras.

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