Things That Matter: Part 2 – The Spirituality of Reproductive Freedom

Part 2 looks at “The Spirituality of Reproductive Freedom” with special guests The Rev Dr. Jacqui Lewis and Diana Butler Bass!

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Maturing in the religious life

The image of the heart and the heart's desire

Maturing in the Religious Life is a book which takes us into a new world of psychoanalytic study and group analysis and the search for a living God. Spirituality and sexuality appear in a unity of life with philosophical and psychological amplification.

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“Anti-Choice is Anti-Christian”

Join Rev. Mark Sandlin, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant for his June 26, 2022 sermon on Abortion Rights.

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Reproductive Rights Sunday

Join Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines for the highlights from his Sunday service on Reproductive Rights on June 26th, 2022!

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Things That Matter: Part 1 – The Spirituality of Reproductive Freedom

Part 1 looks at “The Spirituality of Reproductive Freedom” with special guests The Rev Dr. Jacqui Lewis and Dr. Sharon Jacob!

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A Joyful Path Children’s Curriculum, Year Two – Book Version

For Classroom and/or Home Schooling

Year Two focuses on some of the main tenets of Progressive Christianity and Spirituality, giving our children the foundation they need to understand the basics of this path, to clarify their own personal beliefs and be able to discuss those with others, while at the same time showing what it means to walk the path of Jesus in today’s world.

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True Freedom

Many people are confused, angry, and worried about the future — while others feel their longest hoped-for political dreams have become reality. The air is full of tension, even on these sunny summer days, and it seems as if the nation has somehow cracked open.

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Evil and the Deadly Sins of the (once) Supreme Court

The very tone of Alito’s document, as one historian has pointed out, is ugly to the core.  There is no attempt to reach out to others or make common ground or even to put out feelings that are positive. 

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Remembering to pace and steady ourselves for the long haul

This ruling may seem like a victory to those who have weaponized their faith to limit women’s self-determination, bodily autonomy, privacy rights, agency, and lives. But this ruling is not a victory for anyone; it is a tragedy for everyone.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – June 6, 2022

Join Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the latest, intense season of Netflix’s “Stranger Things.”

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The Infamous Dred Scott Case

Also: Finding 'Uncommon Ground'

In Justice Denied, our newly released podcast episode, Humankind takes a deep dive into what many regard as the most shameful U.S. Supreme Court ruling ever.

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The Urgent Question for Today: Why Do We Let Evil Prosper?

Our Current Situation. We live in a time in which the possibilities for evil are multiplying as fast and possibly faster than the good being accomplished by our innovations.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – May 2, 2022

Join Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their progressive Christian perspectives in considering the Apple TV+’s new series, “Roar,” which focuses on women’s issues via some pretty unique storytelling.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – April 4, 2022

Pour yourself a drink and join us for good times as we talk about pop culture, theology, and politics from progressive Christian perspective.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – January 31, 2022

Pour yourself a drink and join us for good times as we talk about pop culture, theology, and politics from progressive Christian perspective. 

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Paul, a First Century Feminist

Like Jesus, Paul was a radical egalitarian.  He was also, it turns out, a first century feminist.  In all the churches he helped found and nurture, he insisted on gender equality. 

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The Bible and Transgender

My oldest child has recently come out as transgender. Not surprisingly, many Christian friends are now pointing to the bible saying that she is a sinner and that God ‘condemns’ her. Does the Bible and God really say that?

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Why do so many individuals still hold prejudiced views?

The news and social media are full of the wonderful contributions of people of color, gays and trans.  Why do you think so many individuals still hold prejudiced views about people who are different from them? 

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