Christmas: Birth of a New Narrative

The sacred myth of Christmas enchants us into life, birthing us as children of God.  The gospel story of the conception and birth of Jesus comes alive for us again, in our own transformation from the mundane to the divine.  The story is about us. 

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The Liberating Birth of Jesus: A Birth Story Able to Reverse Our Planet’s Perils

What? The birth of Jesus as told in the gospels is not the same story as the “Christmas story” in holiday celebrations? No, and this book explains why. They exist in two different worldviews. The gospels thrive in the creation worldview, but the Christmas story was born in empire’s worldview.

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Pride: The Root of all Sin and Division

The Medieval church understood that pride is the granddaddy of all the other sins. How can this be?

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Reflections on God

Laying To Rest the God of Supernatural Theism

In support of progressive Christianity, it is important, in the church and in our Christian faith, that we present the Bible, God, and Jesus in ways that are believable.

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Updated Church Service

I fully support regular church attendance but not to worship. I go to give thanks to my ancient ancestors who strove so hard against violence and kept humanity progressing. I’ve written a sample service for updating Christianity to today’s reality.

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How I Pray to God

My friend, Aria Nostic (self-proclaimed agnostic, if not atheistic) asked me how I pray to God, if God is not a personal god. “We know there is no supernatural god in heaven intervening in nature and human affairs.”

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God Comes Like A Candle

During this precious Holiday Season for all religions and all people everything seems so much better when a candle is burning. It represents to me that God is Coming to help ascend into our higher nature, a nature that we all possess virtue of God creating us in his or her image.

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Pray With Our Feet Podcast

Looking to connect with folks of faith making the world better daily, and learn how you can, too? Welcome to Pray with our Feet, a progressive Christian podcast, hosted by writer/creative, Emelda De Coteau, founder of the PWF community, and her Mom, Trudy Leocadio, a retired educator and prayer warrior.

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Book Review: Signs of Life: Resurrecting Hope out of Ordinary Losses

By Dr. Jamieson Spencer

This book is a wonderful account by a sensitive woman of deep belief and spiritual devotion, coming of age in early 21st century America. She makes her goal clear; “to engage scripture in a meaningful way, not through elaborate word studies, original text comparisons or mind-bending exegesis, but through story.”

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Signs of Life: Resurrecting Hope out of Ordinary Losses

So does the God of the resurrection have anything to say to our hurts? Was Christ’s resurrection a once-and-done thing, or is there hope for healing and restoration now?

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God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

  God of Love is Mirabai Starr’s passionate and personal exploration of the interconnected wisdom of the three Abrahamic faiths. She shares an overview of essential teachings, stories of saints and spiritual masters, prophetic calls for peace …

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Talking to children about the Bible

How should I respond if my young children take the stories of the Bible literally when I don’t believe in a literal reading?

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A Course in Miracles

I was wondering what the Progressive Christian attitude to the spiritual/philosophical text “A Course in Miracles” is?

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Towards a New Conception of God

Since the dawning of creation, God continues to be the great conundrum, the great mystery, the great unknown, the great challenge of human existence.  This God is not only the God of Christianity, but also the God of Judaism and Islam and other world religions who call on God’s name.

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Theses Toward a Theory of Generative Death Anxiety: Thesis #14

Thesis #14 – There is power in numbers for sustaining the transcending plausibility and viability of any particular dominant cultural narrative. The more you rub shoulders only with people who believe the same cultural narrative you do, the more plausible that narrative becomes.

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The Eighth Apocalypse: Part 1

This is what the Book of Revelation is really about. It’s not about the end of the world, as such. It’s about the destruction of the feudalistic, repressive, economic monolith which it calls “Babylon the Great”.

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Book Review: God Is a Question, Not an Answer

William Irwin has written a very clear and articulate argument in support of the special value of doubt. Both modest and yet far-ranging, the book gets into both epistemological and theological matters. Irwin proposes a new and challenging way to approach a Being whom we have grown up thinking of as Almighty, as an Absolute.

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Love Without Limits: Jesus’ Radical Vision for Love with No Exceptions

Every day, millions of people lament the loss of civility, respect, and hope, and they wonder if it’s possible to cultivate a love big enough to overthrow hate and heal our hurts. With courage, authenticity, and relevance, Jacqueline A. Bussie proclaims, “Yes! It’s possible!” and urges readers to widen love’s wingspan and to love as God loves–without limits or exceptions.

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