The Bible You Didn’t Know You Could Believe In

Within the emerging world of Progressive Christianity this book seeks to present the Bible, God, and Jesus in ways and language that are believable.

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The Patchwork Podcast with Brandan Robertson

Hosted by author and pastor Brandan Robertson, Patchwork brings together various voices and perspectives on the topics of spirituality, social justice, and culture to help you expand your mind and tap into a richer, fuller life.

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Parenting after faith shift, progressive Christians look for new resources

Millennials are more likely than other generations to shift from identifying as affiliated with a religious tradition to unaffiliated, according to the Pew Research Center’s most recent U.S. Religious Landscape Survey.

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You Are More Powerful Than You Think!

In our ongoing celebration of the Season of Creation, today we shift our focus to the Cosmos.

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Why I Am Still A Christian

2018 Video with Kaitlin Curtice: Why I Am Still A Christian

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Glory Happening: Finding the Divine in Everyday Places

When you have an experience and tell the story of that experience to someone, something sacred happens inside of you. That experience doesn’t have to be an extravagant moment, but it can be beautiful, nonetheless. And as you store up all those stories and share them, you grow your world’s boundaries. You build community and remind yourself that every moment of your life counts for something holy, good, and glorious.

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I’ve mused to myself that my daily hikes are “God-walks”.  God holds an invisible leash attached to me, and I follow where God leads.   Understanding that I’m on a God-walk snaps me out of the small-“s” selfishness of thinking that my life is my own, that I make all my own decisions consciously, that I’m the master of my own fate and the captain of my own ship. 

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What “exactly” is an atheist?

Just as the term “believer” means very different things to those who use it, so do to does the word “atheist” include a wide set of definitions.

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The Prophet Slain by a Lion

I think these kind of stories are like haikus or koans that are meant to shake us up with paradox and make us realize and/or remember that words are very limiting and they cannot convey the multidimensional complex reality we live in.

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Was Jesus’ Ministry One or Three Years?

I’ve always heard that Jesus’ ministry was three years long. Now I hear that it was only one year. How does something like that change?

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The Beauty Trap

Beauty is a trap. A trap set all around me, as I walk to and from the Metro Red Line Subway station at Hollywood and Vine on my daily commute. Huge electronic billboards depicting idealized, unrealistically beautiful people demand the attention of the little, actual humans scurrying around on the sidewalks below.

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Saul the Psycho King–A Message for Our Time

The idea of a theocracy was despised by the founding fathers of America as the ruinous combination of kings and religion in the history of Europe demonstrated. A king is basically a form of theocracy in that kings are supposedly placed there by God and they all claimed to be so! Caesar claimed not only to be placed by God but he was an embodiment of God. But, Jesus said, “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar and give unto God what is God’s”.

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Jesus: Without Christmas or Easter

What if Jesus was not divine? … Some will hear this as liberating good news, and others may find this to be shocking and disheartening. Still, the best path for any faith community is to follow the truth where it leads.

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Why do we act and speak as if faith is the same as empirical knowing?

If our knowledge of God can only be accessed through faith, and if the divinity of Jesus can only be affirmed through faith, why do we act and speak as if faith is the same as empirical knowing?

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My story of abuse and disconnection with body

It’s a been long summer! One filled with a lot of reflection and thought. And over these last few months, I’ve felt stirred to speak about things I’ve been quiet about. One thing I’ve been quiet about has been abuse.

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Ntozake Shange – A Laying on of Hands / I Found God in Myself

With Ntozake Shange

The finale of her 1976 coreopoem “for colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf,” performed by the whole cast. Music by Diana Wharton.

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Living Aloha

To the Hawaiians, Aloha means “God in us.”

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Finding a deeper and broader Christian experience.

I come from a traditional evangelical upbringing and have embraced catholicismCatholicism. However, I am also exploring the more modern Christian concepts as related by Bishop Spong and Rev. Matthew Fox. I am very attracted to those concepts and want to incorporate them into my spirituality, along with Buddhist and native American wisdom.

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