We cannot be separate from God or from each other. Yet, we can spend much of our lives imagining that this is the case.
read moreWomen are often told by their communities that being a mother will complete or define them. But many women find themselves depleted and spiritually stagnant amid the everyday demands of being a mom.
read moreOur understanding of God is impacted by the historical context in which we live, and often changes with the season. A comparison of the 1960s with today is a case in point. It is also a span of time that brackets the theological journey of some of us, including myself.
read moreSome orthodox believers argue that the flames of hell should not be taken literally since hell is also described as a place of utter darkness. The point is, they argue, hell is a bad place, a place where God is not to be found, and a place where there is no hope. Literal flames or not, the traditional doctrine of eternal punishment should be an unacceptable belief for followers of the one who ate with sinners, blessed little children, and forgave his executioners.
read more1st Corinthians chapter 13. Danna recited it from a brand-spanking new translation of the Bible; you may remember, if you are of a certain age, it was called “Good News for Modern Man:”
read moreIf there are many ways to the truth (salvation), can we preach that Krishna (or any other God) as one of the ways to attain salvation? Or, can we proclaim “In the name of Krishna your sins can be forgiven”?
read moreIt’s a tough task to be spiritually mindful in the midst of the chaos in a world where most of our moments have been seized by a mindless environment. A framework is needed to accomplish purposeful mindfulness throughout the day while attending to our necessary obligations, ideally leading to mental, physical, spiritual health.
read moreAll my life, I have been taught by the church that I have been created ‘in the image of God’. This is one of the fundamental teachings about human beings that has been given to me by the church.
read moreAre you curious why the church is “way out of tune” with today’s times?
…how a 21st century None, Done or Discouraged might be attracted to a 21st century understanding of church and Jesus??
Traditionally, religions offer a God who is omnipotent, all-powerful, almighty, the cosmic sovereign in control of everything. He/she/it is also said to be all-knowing, omniscient, so he knows not only what he is doing but what everybody and everything else is going to do, and will do, from beginning to end. This is brave belief of what God is. But is this the sort of God we observe today?
read moreGod is still creating you. You are no less beautiful and wild than a sunset or a beach or a puffin. You are loved. You have a place here.
read moreThis book seeks primarily to deal with the questions which any thinking person must raise about Christian faith.
read moreThis is the most common question that I am asked when discussing non-theistic options for God. If God is not a person who can listen and respond to my prayers, then what is the purpose of prayer?
read moreThis book is not a step-by-step “how to” for the Christian spiritual life. It is a book of spiritual wrestling with God and Scripture, written “from the foxhole” in the clash of faith and doubt.
read moreThere are so many theories on who or what god is, or if they even exist. Whether god is in us or around us, separate from us or above us. For me the bottom line is there is more to our existence than can be explained by science.
read moreI have a question about the relationship of Progressive Christianity and Jesus.
read moreRandomness produces the beauty of the snowflake, the security of encryption, the method of evolution, and now, the deadly COVID variants. Randomness is both neutral and powerful. It shapes our universe, our lives, and our deaths.
read moreO God, let us take in the moment of this day of crucifixion, not remembering it in the context of what came after it, but how it left Jesus’ disciples and followers in tragic sadness and heart-wrenched disillusionment.
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