Why Meditate? A Review of Mindful Christianity by Jim Burklo

Burklo’s book refocuses Christianity away from doctrine and belief to knowing God through mindful practice and the compassionate action that follows from an enlarged perspective.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show

Join Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their progressive Christian perspectives in considering the the MCU’s latest hit movie, “Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.” It’s a pretty good bet that they’ll be geeking out hard about this one and bringing some perspectives to it that you may not have considered.

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The Urgent Question for Today: Why Do We Let Evil Prosper?

Our Current Situation. We live in a time in which the possibilities for evil are multiplying as fast and possibly faster than the good being accomplished by our innovations.

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How Progressive Christianity Helped Lead Me to be an Unlikely YouTuber

I first became aware of how to post on the popular platform almost by accident.  I had approached Progressive Christianity, a website which has published my poetry and other writings

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Meaningful Messages: On Your Journey

Meaningful Messages has been created to help you to find a sense of calm and contentment.

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What does it mean when people say that God is within me?

Q&A with Rev. Mark Sandlin

I was brought up to understand that we meet God in church. What is it supposed to mean when people say that God is within me? I don’t think I’ve found that to be true.

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We live in a world characterised as ‘fragmented’. It isn’t fragmented. It’s diverse. If we ecologically pattern our thinking, we reframe it, and that applies to science and scientific thinking too.

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Christ and the Multiverse

Following Jesus in Our Wild, Infinite Creation

How can we possibly find our purpose if everything that can happen does happen? See how Jesus is more relevant than ever in the dizzying, infinite multiverse.

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Setting God Free

Moving Beyond the Caricature We've Created in Our Own Image

How are we supposed to worship a deity who wantonly slaughters innocents to assuage His own bloodthirsty rage? Thank the loving God revealed in the pages of Setting God Free that Seán ÓLaoire has finally unpacked the horror show known as “the difficult passages” of the Bible, giving readers access to a cosmology built not on canonical scripture alone, but also on science, spirituality, and personal experience.

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The Dual Nature of Evil

Carl Jung was ill at ease with understanding evil as a “privation of the good” and I tend to agree with him.  For I, like many, experience evil both as a distancing from the good but also as a kind of force or power or malicious intelligence in our midst.

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Christians Fighting Christians: A Disgraceful Legacy

The Christian Church has a disgraceful legacy of Christians fighting Christians. In the aftermath of the Council of Chalcedon in 451, Christians fought among themselves for two hundred years over the nature of Jesus.

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The Cosmos And Our Connection To It

We are all part of this wonderful Cosmos, always have been and always will be.   This unknowable life-force-energy mystery, which I am comfortable calling ‘God’, has been, is, and always will be the active creative force in this changing, expanding and evolving wonderful Cosmos.  And in ME!!!

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Matthew Fox: Essential Writings on Creation Spirituality

Selected with an Introduction by Charles Burack

In his Introduction to Matthew Fox, Dr. Burack recounts the life and influences that helped form Fox’s outlook and spirituality, from the medieval mystic Meister Eckhart to 20th century Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. The book then presents selections from all Fox’s major works.

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Our Eternal Roots

While it may look like there are individual trees in the above picture, quaking aspens grow in colonies of tens of thousands of trees, or stems, which are all connected by a single root system.

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Willing to Be Wrong: Rachel Held Evans

It ends with this sentence:  “Even on the days when I’m not sure I can believe it wholeheartedly, this is the story I’m willing to be wrong about.” And that humility suffuses the whole book. 

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Religion as Encounter v. Religion as Belief

I would like to build on Carl Krieg’s recent essay in the resource section of the PC.org website entitled “The One You Feed.” His article reminded me of my past life as a political scientist studying public opinion and voting behavior.

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Collapse in a Nutshell: Understanding Our Predicament

This is part one of a two-part primer on the nature, inevitability, and speed of biospheric and civilizational collapse.

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“God Is No Longer a Working Number”

Rethinking Christianity for the Twenty-first Century

For millions of people across the globe, God (as we have historically known God) is no longer a working number. Neither is traditional theology or the institutional church. In response, many of these spiritual skeptics have given up on religion altogether. However, plenty of them are still searching for a faith that can work in the modern world.

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