Five things I have learned since November 8th

  1) Disappointment hits hard. I am sad that my son and daughter will have a different future than the one I envisioned. I had wanted them to have a childhood in which a woman was a …

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Something Old, Something New: How a Non-Theist Celebrates “The Holidays”

Part 1 of 2-Part Article

he Thanksgiving holiday in America is a national observance that has been traditionally framed in a religious context. Whether you like roast turkey or not, one is expected to be thankful for it, and express one’s gratitude to the “Giver” of all good gifts.

For those of us who have enough, or more than enough, it’s all sufficiently palatable; if not theologically problematic to sing the old standard hymn in the face of arms-length hunger and poverty.

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Standing Rock Allies Resource Packet

The following four documents were prepared by members of the Solidariteam. The Oceti Sakowin Camp Protocols were written with camp elders.

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“Stay Woke” this Thanksgiving!

***“Get woke” and “Stay woke” refers to being aware of what’s going on around you in regards to racism and social injustice issues. “Woke” is the past tense of “wake,” and it refers to waking up to what’s going on around us.

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I worship God by having the courage to be more fully human

“If God is the source of life, I worship God by living. If God is the source of love I worship God by loving. If God is the ground of being, I worship God by having the courage to be more fully human; the embodiment of the divine.”

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A Face In The River

I stand on a bank of a running river, immersed in a flow of my own called life
Sad, happy, fearful, calm, and joyous awe-filled waves lap up all around me

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Meditation for Post Election

Alan gave a talk about the result of the US election during the 5-week Cultivating Emotional Balance Teacher Training Course in Alicante, Spain.

Listen to the recording:

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A Prayer for People and Planet: 500 Clergy Hold ‘Historic’ Mass Gathering for Standing Rock

Roughly a hundred protesters and clergy members shut down the North Dakota state Capitol with a lawn prayer circle.

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The Science of Happiness – An Experiment in Gratitude

In place of the sermon this Sunday, we watched the video “An Experiment in Gratitude” followed by brief comments about embodied gratitude.

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Worship Materials – Winter: The Pregnant Barrenness

From the Seasoned Celebration Collection

1. Winter is the season of the revelation of basic structure. If I was to strip away all the paraphernalia of my life what form would it have?

How many of the things which I do are related to the roots
of my spirit.

2. Winter is the season for hibernation. What rhythm do I have for reflection as well as action?
What frequency and length of time do I need in solitude in order to facilitate the growth and quality of my spirituality?

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Why I am happy Trump won

Richard Williams, better known by his stage name Prince Ea, is an American rapper and activist, known for discussing topics like politics, sociality, environmentalism and life issues.

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Embrace Festival May 2016

First in-city music, art, sacred community and social transformation festival with a progressive Christian framework. Leaders from around the world join us to co-create a deeper vision for the future and share practical tools to heal ourselves, our communities, and the planet in on-going ways moving forward. We hope to see you there!

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Do that one thing… which one thing? Ah….

There is one thing in this world you must never forget to do. If you forget everything else and not this, there’s nothing to worry about, but if you remember everything else and forget this, then you will have done nothing in your life.

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Love and Violence in Black LGBTQ Communities

In 2016 many black churches are woefully far behind the country’s acceptance of LGBTQ Americans. These places of worship are still spewing homophobic rhetoric from their bully pulpits. And unfortunately, some LGBTQ victims of IPV have internalized the church’s message they are an abomination to God and therefore deserved to be abused, flogged and beaten.

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Stations of the Cosmic Christ

Experience a new contemplative practice!

The below probably speaks for itself but in a nut shell it is about churches, chapels and retreat centers joining the movement to move from an overly human-centered religious consciousness (what Pope Francis calls our “narcissism” as a species) to a cosmically-aware consciousness. It is about uniting anew the psyche and the cosmos that was torn asunder in the modern era with the divorce of religion from science but today can and must be healed. With a practice like this we can move from centuries of battles over Jesus and Christ dogmas to the “third nature of Christ,” the Cosmic Christ (which in fact is present in our earliest Christian sources including Paul and the Gospel of Thomas). Such an understanding paves the way for an Eco-Christ and an eco-theology but based on a spiritual practice, not just speculative theologizing.

Thank you for your attention,

Matthew Fox

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Prayers for Our Leaders

A collection of prayers for political and government leaders and the people who elect them.

Give us, O God,
leaders whose hearts are large enough
to match the breadth of our own souls
and give us souls strong enough
to follow leaders of vision and wisdom.

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24 Ways to Practice Thanks-giving

A gratitude practice for every day from Nov. 1 to Thanksgiving

The Christian writer G. K. Chesterton had the right idea when he said we need to get in the habit of “taking things with gratitude and not taking things for granted.” Gratitude puts everything in a fresh perspective; it enables us to see the many blessings all around us. And the more ways we find to give thanks, the more things we find to be grateful for.

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Are You Connected to the Universe?

Feeling connected to the Universe can happen almost anywhere, at sunrise or sunset, at the beach looking at the endless expanse of ocean, deep in the forest, or riding through the mountains as I did last month. The important thing is to know that infinity is hard to grasp, yet that is the size of the Universe. Another word for infinity is limitless. And since you are a part of what the Universe is, you are limitless also.

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