Hatred We’re Gonna Tear your Kingdom Down

(Original Music and Video)

Joy Lau’s “Get Out The Vote” music video in collaboration with John Del Cueto, the gospel choir director at Middle Collegiate Church in NYC, using his original music “Hatred We’re Gonna Tear Your Kingdom Down” (adapted from the spiritual “Satan We’re Gonna Tear Your Kingdom Down”) with her animation.

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Dag Hammarskjöld and Ethical Leadership

Should a book on a highly gifted, spiritually and intellectually grounded political/diplomatic world leader of the twentieth century have serious impact on life today?

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Resistance Fatigue

I’m a politically blue kind of guy living in a very red state. My religious convictions tell me that I have to try to work at getting laws that treat everyone with love. I’ve always tried, but the last few years it’s been crazy hard and I’m wearing out. Any suggestions?

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Fault Lines: Hypocrisy as Tragedy

From the Greek word, hypocritis, the hypocrite is a ‘play actor.’ While misfortune is befalling us on a massive scale these days, true tragedy is the result of the hypocrite who has the choice to decide to act otherwise.

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Ordinary people with Extraordinary Vision

The late Congressman John Lewis wrote what could be his own eulogy in the essay he wrote to be published posthumously in the New York Times. He called on “ordinary people” to be willing to get into “good trouble.” Of course, the sins of racism, oppression, and enslavement were not creations of black culture.

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Talking About Religion and Politics

The Necessary Conversation

I don’t know if we can talk about religion and politics now. The moment to do so productively, openly, and with grace may have passed. There is so much hatred, so much anger, and so much division. We’ve forgotten how to listen. It doesn’t have to be this way. I long for something more, for the beautiful words to guide us to a better America.

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Stuff That Needs To Be Said

Essential Words on Life, Death, Faith, Politics, Love, and Giving a Damn

This expansive, like-hearted community transcends race, orientation, gender, religious tradition, political affiliation, and nation of origin—and finds its affinity in the deeper place of our shared humanity, which is the True North of his writing. This collection lovingly pulls together some of John’s most widely-read and most beloved essays on faith, politics, grief, and the elemental parts of being human.

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Christ in Crisis? Reclaiming Jesus in a Time of Fear, Hate, and Violence

Writing in response to our current “constitutional crisis,” New York Times bestselling author and Christian activist Jim Wallis urges America to return to the tenets of Jesus once again as the means to save us from the polarizing bitterness and anger of our tribal nation.

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Real Patriotism in a Troubled Election

We must have a plan - before, during, and after...

  There are literally hundreds of compelling public-policy based reasons for voting for Joe Biden and the Democrats in the upcoming election. But there is one reason that stands out far, far beyond all others: Donald J. …

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A Universal Basic Income

Labor Day is an American substitute for the International Workers Day, celebrated on May 1. Americans of the early 20th century associated organize labor with communism and sought to suppress union organizing while applauding the contributions of laborers to our country.

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Pope Francis’ Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

As the Pope writes in his message, “In some ways, the current pandemic has led us to rediscover simpler and sustainable lifestyles. The crisis, in a sense, has given us a chance to develop new ways of living. Already we can see how the earth can recover if we allow it to rest: the air becomes cleaner, the waters clearer, and animals have returned to many places from where they had previously disappeared.

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The Soul of America: A meditation on the spiritual foundation of the USA

In this election season, let us pray that our candidates speak in the rhetoric of this spiritual humility – for a change. America has a soul. Our nation’s heart is still burning to express our transcendent values through the structures of our society.

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The Importance of “And”

The Forgotten Political Message of Christianity Diana Butler Bass Aug 13

  Religion News Service was quick to point out that Kamala Harris, the newly selected Democratic vice-presidential candidate, is both bi-racial and bi-religious: Harris, who was born in Oakland, California, to a Jamaican immigrant father…and an Indian immigrant …

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Imagining a Post-Covid-19 New and Improved World

170 Danish scholars from 5 universities came together to consider how the world needs to change post covid-19. They make five crucial suggestions:

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Living Through A Lawless Apocalypse

Progressive Christians rely on God’s message of love as our guide through the mounting crises in the United States and the world. It is not a message of waiting and hoping, as in the case of apocalyptic expectations. It is a message calling for action based on dedication to truth and loving consideration for others more than ourselves.

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The MOST IMPORTANT Conversation Of 2020 – Black History Panel

You know it. I know it. We all know it. THIS CONVERSATION NEEDS TO BE HAD! You guys loved the Black History Panel series so much, we only thought it would be right to put out a full version! Now you can share the whole series with whoever you think should see this! If you have already seen the whole series, DROP A COMMENT and tell us your favorite part!

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Laurinburg NC: A Lesson on Healing the Racial Divide in America

When I told Ambassador Young of my Laurinburg experience, he smiled and said: “You know, Rick, the problem of systemic racism in this country is not all that difficult to understand. As your Laurinburg example tells us, the cause is primarily economic. When white folks have good jobs, they make good neighbors. When they are unemployed and scared or underemployed and resentful, there are problems.”

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How We Can Show Up for the Trans Community

The Supreme Court’s decision allowing the transgender military ban to go into effect is another reminder that the transgender community is under attack by the current administration. They are being painted as dangerous deviants whose very existence threatens our nation.

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