In Praise of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I found some parallels between then and now in a nationalistic church with little or no interest in the Christian gospel, at least as I understand it, but what I was most impressed with was Bonhoeffer’s treatment of Christian ethics. The only thing that mattered to Bonhoeffer was how one lived.

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SIZE, God, and the Challenge of These Times

In our thinking about God, God has great size. However, it is a size that can never be fully grasped because it is always enlarging–eventually becoming more than anything we can conceptualize or imagine. 

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Attaching Divine Mandate to other purposes.

Can’t say I disagree on your article: A White Man Makes the Case for Reparations, but it raises at least one question. When God’s people chased inhabitants out of the ‘Promised Land’ I don’t recall any discussion of reparations for the displaced people. Perhaps that is our rationale (excuse) for claiming reparations as a non-issue.

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Salvation for All

Are we “saved” together, or “saved” separately? It is certainly a living question for Christians to ponder, but it is worth asking in the context of other religions – or in that of no religion at all.  Are we “all in the same boat”, or not? 

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The Myths We Deem to be True and Sacred

In this new year – just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse — something dark and revelatory already happened on that day. Thousands of insurrectionists stormed the Capitol; wielding clubs, and bats, and – in one instance – a Bible.

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Daily Meditations with Matthew Fox: Julian on Living through Wellness and Woe

January 16, 2021

Julian of Norwich tells us that in life we “experience a wondrous mixture of well and woe” and that “this mingling of both well and distress in us is so astonishing that we can hardly tell which state we or our neighbor are in—that’s how astonishing it is!”

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QAnon: The Tip of the Spear

There emerged out of the 2016 election a conspiracy theory that has been a catalyst for a growing and coalescing far right movement that is mainstreaming radical authoritarian nationalists, neo-Fascists, white supremacists, and anti-Semites in the United States.

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What Shall We Say to These Things? Crafting a Social Gospel for the 21st Century

A 90 minute inter-generational conversation between Ruby Sales and Brittany Packnett Cunningham. This conversation will be moderated by Rev. Traci Blackmon.

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Don’t Be Distracted My Friends

Don’t be distracted my friends. Take a deep breath and remember your inherent goodness.

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Religion News from Around the World: A Monthly Roundup by Rick Herrick

December 2020

What Jesus Means to Muslims, Faith Leaders Promote Vaccine Use and other articles from RNS in December 2020.

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Begging Your Pardon: A musing on mercy

So as this nightmarish era in American politics comes to an end, let us get spiritually prepared to temper justice with mercy – for the sake of the Love who is God, for the sake of democracy, and for the sake of us all.

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Hey, White People!

In her brilliant new book, Caste, Isabel Wilkerson speaks of racism in America as a caste system that is like the studs that form the frame of our house. We rarely see them or think of them, but they are there, holding the whole house up and if termites or mold get to them, the house will collapse.

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Light for the Midnight Darkness of the COVID Winter

 I have found two books to be especially helpful this Christmas. Living under COVID restrictions is like being imprisoned. Sermons written by Martin Luther King, Jr., while in jail speak directly to the concerns of today, although he was thinking of the situation in the 1960s.

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“Caste” and the Deepening Polarization of America

In grappling with Isabel Wilkerson’s best-selling, new book, Caste (subtitle: The Origins of Our Discontents), we are reminded how Jesus was himself–in his life, his teachings, and his ministry–a leader who broke with the entrenched caste system of his time.  In every era of human history, caste is a stumbling block; and for Christians, it is a stumbling block to the advent of the Kingdom of God, announced by Jesus.  This Kingdom ushers in a new ordering of the world, a reprioritizing of social, economic, and political values. 

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Reuniting a Once Great People

How did wearing a mask to avoid spreading the Covid virus become a politically partisan issue? It has become apparent that one of the most difficult tasks ahead of the USA is learning again how to disagree without dividing the nation.

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Understanding the Self-Righteous Political Brain: The First Step in Healing the Political Divide

With regard to the human brain, emotions developed millions of years before reason. These human emotions helped to channel behavior in ways that fostered evolutionary success. Reason eventually came onto the scene as a tool for these emotions to help them achieve their goals. As a result, reason became a tool for rationalization rather than a tool for objective decision making.

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Connect a Multimedia Film by The Black Chapel Collective

Set in the shadows of a climate crisis and Covid-19.

In our present world today the impact and consequences of Climate Change and Covid 19 have been staggering.

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A Call to Action: Progressive Christians Defend the Vote

A lot of us are overwhelmed by the very high volume of this election.  And this isn’t just about a certain candidate’s decibel level.  We’re talking about the inner volume of political narratives roaring through our minds.  We need to prepare spiritually for the likely electoral debacle ahead.

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