The Cosmos And Our Connection To It

We are all part of this wonderful Cosmos, always have been and always will be.   This unknowable life-force-energy mystery, which I am comfortable calling ‘God’, has been, is, and always will be the active creative force in this changing, expanding and evolving wonderful Cosmos.  And in ME!!!

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Matthew Fox: Essential Writings on Creation Spirituality

Selected with an Introduction by Charles Burack

In his Introduction to Matthew Fox, Dr. Burack recounts the life and influences that helped form Fox’s outlook and spirituality, from the medieval mystic Meister Eckhart to 20th century Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. The book then presents selections from all Fox’s major works.

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Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community

Religions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community
Designed for a general audience, these six courses orient learners to the relevance of religious traditions in response to contemporary ecological and climate challenges.

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Leaving Church?

before long, my grandchildren will be vaccinated, and I’ll be able to go back to church. But the haunting truth is, I’m not sure I want to return to an institution that consistently untethers itself from the life, example, spirit, and teachings of Jesus.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – February 21, 2022

Pour yourself a drink and join us for good times as we talk about pop culture, theology, and politics from progressive Christian perspective.

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The Collapse of American Society?

Who ever thought we would say this, but it seems to be the case that society could be collapsing before our very eyes. The common bond that forges a basis for unity is disintegrating, indicated and exemplified by the litany of headlines that continue to bombard us.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show

Live streaming Mondays at 4:30 p.m. EST

The podcast will be hosted by our Co-Executive Directors Mark Sandlin and Caleb Lines.  The Moonshine Jesus Show brings Progressive Christian perspectives on pop culture, theology, and politics while having a lot of fun.  We hope that this will be an entertaining, yet meaningful way to deepen your Progressive Christian journey!

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Our Eternal Roots

While it may look like there are individual trees in the above picture, quaking aspens grow in colonies of tens of thousands of trees, or stems, which are all connected by a single root system.

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The Toxic Evangelical Variant

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the evangelical church saved me in every way a person can be saved. They introduced me to Jesus. They became the family my childhood family could not be. They loved and affirmed me. They educated me. They gave me a vocation. And they gave me exceptional opportunities of service. Although I left the evangelical church years ago for a more progressive expression of faith, I’ve always appreciated the gifts they gave me.

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Be Fearless. Inspired. Unstoppable. For Change.

You can now access the teachings and vision from the unprecedented weekend retreat with Andrew Harvey and over twenty visionaries who are changing the world:

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Collapse in a Nutshell: Understanding Our Predicament

This is part one of a two-part primer on the nature, inevitability, and speed of biospheric and civilizational collapse.

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Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites us into the Sacred

With an ecospiritual lens on biblical narratives and a fresh look at a community larger than our own species, Church of the Wild uncovers the wild roots of faith and helps us deepen our commitment to a suffering earth by falling in love with it–and calling it church.

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The nexus between God and evolution

Is there purpose driving evolution?” In other words, it would seem that a theology of God and evolution demands human responsibility to see that plan through to fruition.

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Religion and Bipolar Disorder

The influence and importance of religion on community and morality will always be apparent and easy to debate. The personal experience of the practitioner can never be so and must be taken on faith.

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Deep Ecumenism: Bede Griffiths on the Wisdom of Hinduism

In the shadow of COP26 we are meditating on the powerful role that Deep Ecumenism can and must play in the future of the planet.  To get the most out of individual humans and our diverse communities, we must include the spiritual dimension.  That is where the fire of excitement and passion, sacrifice and visions, is lit and stays lit.

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Can Religion Save Humanity?

With all the news today of doom and gloom for our world, do you think religion can save humanity?

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Vision, Hope and Courage in a Time of Crisis

Many of us wrestle with fear, despair, insecurity, and loneliness in this time of sustained global crisis. I worry for the future of the human family and life itself. But these times are also an invitation.

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Beliefs Versus the Efficacy of Faith

Periodically, it is helpful to remember that belief and faith are not the same thing.  Every group of mortals seems to inevitably gather around a particular set of beliefs; presumably based on the values they hold to be the most meaningful to them, or of greatest importance.

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