Mystical Activism: Transforming a World In Crisis

In Mystical Activism, we each hold the power to change the world right where we are. To call these “end times” is not hyperbole. We are in trouble and the signs are everywhere: extreme political divisions; xenophobic violence; enormous wealth inequity; poverty and homelessness; racism, sexism, and ageism; arms buildups and unending wars; and, most critical of all, terrifying climate disruption associated with man-made global warming.

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“I am inspired by others sharing this pilgrimage and feel part of a larger movement that is changing the face of Christianity.”

When you give to ProgressiveChristianity.org, you help us provide resources to a growing global community of pastors and neighbors who no longer fit into the modern box of ‘Christianity.’ With just 3 weeks left to give, here’s another reason why your gift matters:

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Special Release for Human Rights Day!

December 10 is Human Rights Day and to honour this important global occasion, we bring you a film sure to inspire the exploration of a common thread we all share: our humanity.

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Rollbacks : An Assault Against Life on Earth

The 29 minute film is meant to be used as a tool for discussion and a resource for knowledge and action. The impact of climate change is undeniable and catastrophic. The recent and ongoing fires in California are a heartbreaking demonstration of this.

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First, Save Democracy

For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  (Paul, Ephesians 6:12, NRSV)

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We are Building a Bigger Table

These are crucial times for the planet we call home. The toxic and institutionalized systems of racism, tribalism, colonialism, culture appropriation, sexism, and the general oppression of marginalized people have been thrust to the surface of our society. While this is scary and disturbing, it is also a necessary step toward the eradication of white privilege, white fragility, and an empiric worldview.

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Pray With Our Feet Podcast

Looking to connect with folks of faith making the world better daily, and learn how you can, too? Welcome to Pray with our Feet, a progressive Christian podcast, hosted by writer/creative, Emelda De Coteau, founder of the PWF community, and her Mom, Trudy Leocadio, a retired educator and prayer warrior.

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A Tale of Two Americas

We have a very difficult time admitting it. But in order to be healthy and whole and to become the people we want to be (and think we are), it is necessary to come to terms with this. The truth will set us free.

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This 13-Year-Old Indigenous Girl Has Been Nominated for a Global Peace Prize

Autumn Peltier is promoting the protection of sacred waters across the world.

Autumn Peltier already has years of advocacy behind her. She’s met the prime minister, she’s attended the Assembly of First Nations Annual General Assembly and she’s marched on the highway in the name of water protection. At just 13 years old, Peltier is now a nominee for the International Children’s Peace Prize.

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Living Beyond Regret

Though our culture tends to praise youth while apparently being embarrassed by aging (offering a multi-billion dollar industry to hide it) the ancient sages did not see it that way. In fact, even though very many young people are very smart, it is difficult to be wise without first living a long time. The aged, according to Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Lao Tzu, Confucius, and Marcus Aurelius owe a debt of meaningful guidance to the world. Those who can retire should retire to something rather than simply retiring from work.

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The Spiritual Discipline of “Resist”

Finding peace through social justice.

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Lambs Among Wolves – Luke 10:1-16

What we know about the gospel-storyteller that we call Luke is that he wrote close to the end of the first century. Some 50 to 60 years after the life of Jesus of Nazareth; a time when the full force of the mighty Roman Empire was being brought to bear upon the Jewish people and upon the followers of Jesus’ Way of being in the world.

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A Joyful Path, Children’s Curriculum Year One – DVD Version

Are you searching for a way to connect children with an authentic spiritual experience that is inter-spiritual, creative and multi-layered?  “A Joyful Path” is truly progressive Christian curriculum that is inclusive, joy-full, compassionate, and intelligent.

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All Rev’d Up

All Rev’d Up explores where faith intersects politics and culture. Reverend Irene Monroe and Reverend Emmett Price III come from different black faith perspectives, they’re of different generations, they hail from different parts of the country and they come together in this podcast to talk about faith in a different way.

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Why Faith Without Works Is Dead

If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you’ve probably gone through the struggle of whether or not you should commit yourself to a life of ministry. Everyone goes through the question sooner or later. Should you quit your day job and become a pastor? What about a full-time missionary? Perhaps closing yourself in your room to pray from morning to night is the answer.

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Against Giving Up

This sermon invites listeners to see the families seeking asylum, not as illegal immigrants but as fully human people who deserve our respect and compassion. These brown children forced into cages are the princes and princesses of Central America.

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