#Moonshine Jesus Show – August 14, 2023

Join Mark and Caleb for this live recording as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of Season 2 on “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds”

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Ron DeSantis and the State Where Education Goes To Die

The context for this article is the proposed new curriculum for the instruction of students on African American history.  Outrage over the proposal is mounting every day. 

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – July 31, 2023

Join Mark and Caleb for this live recording as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the Marvel’s “Secret Invasion.”

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – July 14, 2023 Live from Wild Goose Festival

On this special episode of The Moonshine Jesus Show, live from the Wild Goose Festival, where Caleb and Mark are joined by Randy Creath, the creator of our theme song Moon Shine Jesus.

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Guns and Grammar, or How to Read the Second Amendment

By Frank Bergon

FIRST IN 2008 and again in 2022, Supreme Court justices assured us that their close textual reading of the Second Amendment revealed its original meaning: Americans have nearly an unlimited right to carry any kind of gun anywhere they please. The Second Amendment has been debated endlessly.

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Transformative Activism:

A Values Revolution in Everyday Life in a Time of Societal Collapse

Are you fed up with an activism that isn’t truly transformative?

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Book Review “Frequently Asked White Questions”

By Ajay Parasram and Alex Khasnabish

The book offers resources for our best intentions in order to make life easier for exhausted racialized people everywhere — including a bibliography, an excellent glossary and 10 top principles for thinking about racial politics as a white person.

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When Love Isn’t Quite Enough

Love is, of course, an answer. And while most people of faith can agree on the command to love our neighbors, we need to face the reality of this moment. What is happening among us — the transnational struggles with democracy and attacks on human rights — is far more than a failure to love our neighbors.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – May 29, 2023

Join Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of a modern fairytale involving life, love, and loss, the 2022 movie “Three Thousand Years of Longing.”

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A Blessing for Civil Disobedience

The religious traditions of the world affirm that we should treat others as we wish to be treated, but too often our laws are cruel.

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God Abundant, God of Wonder

A Christian Hymn against Christian Nationalism

God abundant, God of wonder, God of every living thing,

God of justice and of righteousness, empower us as we sing.

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Jesus and Wealth – Part One

Money, wealth, financial power, economic power, call it what you will, extreme wealth disparity destroys societies from within, eating away at the bond between people and the fabric of society.

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Courage, Holiness and a Love that Conquers Fear of Death

We are considering how Courage, like Joy, is one of the signs of holiness in our time.  In yesterday’s meditation, Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us that we “must love something more than the fear of death” if we are to live. 

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Litany for Strength and Guidance in Justice Work

Holy One, lover of all, knowing that you desire that all people should live in joy and
wellness, we ask today for strength and guidance in the work we do to build a just and peaceful

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Book Review of Decolonizing Christianity: Becoming Badass Believers

By Miguel de la Torre

Decolonizing Christianity is a hard book to read – but it’s one white Christians should read, especially those of us who claim to be progressive.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – April 10, 2023

Join Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their high-octane progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of the CW’s latest (and probably final) entry in DC TV shows, “Gotham Knights.”

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Why are ads for Jesus dividing opinion?

“People will see through who’s behind it. They’ll see what their real agenda is, set that aside, and we can have a deeper  conversation about who Jesus was, what he was about and what we’re about as his followers today,” Burklo said. 

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