TJ Dawe speaks about the goals of his organization, Beams and Struts, and an ideology of compassionate cooperation.
read moreWhen Pope John XXIII called the Second Vatican Council half a century ago, he said he wanted to “open the windows” of his almost 2,000-year Church to the rapid changes in the modern world. Within a few …
read moreFor Whitehead and Hartshorne, the indeterminacy of subatomic events suggests that freedom, and the creativity that flows from it, are ubiquitous in the universe. Even electrons make choices. According to process thought, we’re so free that even God can’t know the future, since all entities have the God-given ability to behave unpredictably.
read moreChris Stedman is an atheist working to foster positive and productive dialogue between faith communities and the non-religious. Visiting from the States in advance of his new book, he charts his journey to this point – from …
read moreIn the passionate world of American atheism, the venom usually directed at believers has now been turned against the wrong kind of atheists. The cause of this freethinking furore? A new movement called Atheism+. According to its website, …
read moreThis is a 12 x 18 poster printed on card stock. Show that your congregation is a part of the growing progressive Christian community!
read moreProgressive Christianity’s Eight Points attempt to provide a framework for progressive theological reflection. In the next several weeks, I will elaborate on each of the Eight Points in a way that may be helpful to pastors and congregants. I will be viewing them from the lens of process theology, which I believe is the best theological perspective for progressive Christian reflection.
read more“I didn’t say I created all that there is, and I didn’t say I was anything. That is what you say about me,” the voice said. “I am mystery and I am absence. There is no power to create in mystery and absence. There is power only in understanding the boundaries between knowledge and mystery, between presence and absence.”
read moreWe have a new 2011 updated version of our Welcome Poster and our 8 Points. Here is the text of the new 8 points.
read moreRe-Visioning Theology proposes a contemporary mythic approach to theology that offers a way of living fully and faithfully in the midst of the tension and uncertainty of changing times.
read moreThe film is viewable for free until September 2 at Go to if you are interested in the purchase packages.
read moreGod is persuasive love, containing but somehow still beyond all that we can grasp, and within whom “we live and move and have our being.”
read more“Contemplative Pedagogy” – a high-falutin’ term, no? In low-falutin’ language, it’s about using meditation to help people learn.
read moreThe London Olympics will try to accommodate religious athletes with 193 chaplains, a prayer room in every venue and a multifaith center in the Olympic Village. Athletes at the ancient Olympics believed their training honored the gods, …
read moreA heavily armed gunman opened fire in a packed movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, early Friday, killing 12 people and injuring at least 38 more including children. Victims’ accounts of the horrific events have filled the airwaves; however, today’s …
read moreMany of the criticisms were mean-spirited or partisan, continuing a decade-long internal debate about the Episcopal Church’s future. However, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat broadened the discussion, moving beyond inside-baseball ecclesial politics to ask a larger question: “Can Liberal Christianity be Saved?”
read moreStephen J. Patterson, Fellow of the Westar Institute, answers the question “What is progressive Christianity?”
read moreRobert A. Kraft, former President of the Society of Biblical Literature (2006), answers the question “What is progressive Christianity?”
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