I Dream A World

SCRIPTURE Zechariah 8.1–8

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Just War, War Crimes, War is a Crime, War is a Racquet

Far too often, patriotism is expressed as enthusiasm for wars as if the battlefield was the only way to become a hero or to find virtue when, in almost every case, the opposite is true.

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Father, Son, and Sacrifice

Scripture: Genesis 22: 1-14

Perhaps the story isn’t so much about God but about us. But if you accept that the Bible is the work of many authors, the story tells you nothing about God. Instead, it tells you what the various authors’ believed.

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Progressive Faith and Practice

Covid-19 will also have a casualty count among congregations. Which churches will survive into the 21st century and, frankly, which ones really shouldn’t? If loneliness is the number one form of suffering in the western world, surely the connections made in a faith community should be a major solution to that isolation.

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Sermon: Micro-Liberation and Radical Wellness

As we stand, you and I, at the shoreline of destruction, seeing, in the distance, the end of this American empire, there is but one way forward, old and true: Be not conformed to this society — nor kill yourself to make it love you — but be transformed in it, against it, by the renewal of your mind, body, and spirit. No matter the cost.

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Eight Hymns with Music Sheets

Amanda Udis-Kessler shares 8 hymns along with the sheet music – just click on the Title of the Hymn to open the PDF Sheet Music.

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Sermon: Wanna Know Where God Is?

SCRIPTURE Exodus 17. 1–7

Sermon with Rev. Jacqui Lewis, Middle Church, March 15, 2020

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Sermon: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Whether you agree with me or not in my diagnosis of our situation, I’m sure you agree that our social divisions are worsening.  Painful disagreements on what really matters, who’s right, and who’s wrong are dividing families and friends down the middle. Jesus’ prophecy is coming true in that sense.  These divisions are creating real wounds for some, and exposing long-standing wounds for others as people take sides and as the underbelly of our society is being exposed. 

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A Curated List of Songs for Worship and Gathering

When we realized because of COVID19 we couldn’t sing together, we refused to give up the use of music in our Gatherings; it is just too important. So we turned to the only source of music we thought could offer the same experience even if it didn’t involve singing along: YouTube.

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June 14, 2020: Sunday Sermon by: The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II

The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II preaches at The Washington National Cathedral on June 14, 2020

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Every Barking Dog

Many progressive people, maybe even especially progressive clergy, are often so afraid of criticism that they keep their most passionate beliefs to themselves. This is especially true for those of us who live in deeply conservative areas dominated by traditional forms of religion.

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“Fasting in the Streets: A Call to Racial Justice” Sermon

Rev. Caleb J. Lines is senior minister at University Christian Church in San Diego, California. He serves on the Board of ProgressiveChristianity.org

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“The Great Commission” Birthed White Supremacy! – Trinity Sunday Sermon

How did we get here? All over the world people are marching in the streets proclaiming, “Black lives matter.” Millions have defied the fear of the corona virus, and taken their lives into their hands to venture out into the streets to protest the systemic racism that permeates institutions all over this planet.

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The Ten Commandments of Logic

Logic and faith should be partners! A healthy spirituality does not deny reality but rather interrogates and interprets reality. We are not seeking to escape this world to be transported into an imaginary “other” world but rather to logically, ethically, lovingly transform the only world we know into a better, more compassionate world. For faith communities to be relevant in the emerging world, we must embrace an evidence based approach to our spirituality that is defined by critical thinking and a fearlessly prophetic scrutiny of our own beliefs.

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I Can’t Breathe (Racism in America)

“I can’t breathe.” Eric Garner’s last words were echoed this week by George Floyd as his life slipped away. The challenge for us is not to become inured by repetition. This time there was an arrest but immediately the coroner started the cover up saying that Floyd just happened to die from other causes while Derek Chauvin was kneeling on his neck.

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Sermon: The Church Has Left the Building

I come to you with a heavy heart. I feel the weight of the pain of America this morning. The fires that we see on the news, maybe these are pentecost fires. These are certainly symptomatic of a deep pain among the poor and people of color, especially black people.

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The Debt We Owe to the Truth

Every lie incurs a debt to the truth that must eventually be paid. This was initially said of Russian lies about the Chernobyl disaster but it certain applies to lies told about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the cover up in Catholic and Protestant churches about pedophilia, Boeing’s cover up of the failures of the 737 Max.

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Sermon Video: Searching for God

“Searching for God”
SCRIPTURE Acts 17.22-28
with Rev. Amanda Hambrick Ashcraft

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