What Mom Really Wants: Equal Rights

We are taking a wide angle view of what it means to be a woman in the 21st century, from being relegated to carrying water and fire wood in the third world where female genital mutilation and sex trafficking are still common to the USA where, sadly sex trafficking is also common, but there is also religious oppression, a glass ceiling, and a sorely lacking representation in the houses of government.

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Something new to say: Words of spirit, faith and celebration for Advent and Christmas

“Something new to say” is a collection of liturgy resources for the season of Advent and Christmas. Author Bronwyn White lives in Aotearoa New Zealand, where Christmas comes at summertime.

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A New Economy for a post-Covid world

May 1 is the international workers’ holiday but this year, in light of the pandemic, more consideration needs to be given to the very nature of the economy beyond the traditional rivalry between owners and laborers.

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Breasted ONE – reflections for Mother’s Day

John 14:1-14

Julia Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation calls us to repent, to turn away from the systemic evils of the military industrial complex. Pastor Dawn Hutchings, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Mother’s Day 2018, John 17:6-11

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Sermon Video: Staying Safe and Saving Lives

Sermon Video with Bishop Yvette A. Flunder, City of Refuge UCC on March 8, 2020.

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The Talk Revisited

Prejudice is its own logic, or, at least, it is impervious to logic, evidence, or critical thinking. This week we’ll consider the irrational beliefs behind many of our prejudices.

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The Resurrection of the Earth (Easter Sermon)

The pandemic is almost all that is mentioned in the news and it certainly occupies much of our emotional and mental energy. Sadly, however, the Covid-19 virus might not be the most dangerous thing going on in the world right now.

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Easter Service with United Methodist Church Santa Rosa

Rev. Lori Sawdon Easter Service from First United Methodist Church of Santa Rosa
on behalf of Rev. Lindsey Bell-Kerr, Christ Church Methodist of Santa Rosa

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Ash Wednesday Litany: Letting Go, Letting Come


Our Source and Ground of Being, In you we live, move, and exist.

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Pastor Tony Minear’s Sermon: Do You See This Woman?

“Do You See This Woman?” Jesus poses this very question to Simon, a Pharisee, over a casual meal as found in our gospel reading from today, Luke 7:36-47.

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Listening for Wisdom

We tune our hearing to silence.
We wait on the source of being.
Our minds release the roar of thoughts.

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Passion Week 2020: This Is Your Body

What forms do your communion elements take during this time of Shelter In Place?  See mine, below this entry… from Palm Sunday.  Mt Hollywood Church is urging people to take pix of their home-made communion elements – whether wine and bread, milk and cookies, juice and cereal – and posting them on social media

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Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong

As we try to learn the skills of staying home, maintaining distance, and the disciplines that prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, that means that some of us are very isolated, living alone with almost no face to face contact with anyone.

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Sermon: Proof of Life with Rev. Jacqueline Lewis

Sermon: “Proof of Life”
SCRIPTURE Ezekiel 37.1-14
With Rev. Jacqueline Lewis, Jacqui Lewis

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In Need of Prayer? How Do We Pray In This Crisis?

For many of us, social distancing, has created a wall between us and separated us from our lives. Bumping up against this wall over and over again, our noses can almost smell the fear filled mortar which oozes from the newly laid brickwork.

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The End of the Status Quo

The world as we have known it no longer exists. This pandemic will end, realistically, however, the virus will remain and will be held at bay, largely by a vaccine that will have to be repeated as the virus evolves every year. Still, when it is safe to go back to church and to restaurants, movies and music venues, not all of them will have survived.

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Sermon Video: Social Distancing with Jesus

  Sermon with Rev. Caleb J. Lines, University Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) UCC San Diego Children Worship & Wonder Story – Marshala Salgado-Solorio Scripture Reading – Luke 4:1-13 – Tim Stigers   Rev. Caleb J. Lines …

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Restoration of Spirit

  Click below for Video of Sermon     Prelude Singing Bell and Call to Worship: L: Our lives feel all disjointed as though they were a valley of dry bones. P: But the Spirit of God …

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