Charter for Compassion

Join us by signing the Charter for Compassion!

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The Dandelion Seed

“The Dandelion Seed” is a story about a seed that is scared to let go, but the wind blows it away. It sees a lot of different things in the world and eventually lands, turns into a dandelion flower, and then casts its own seeds.This popular, simple book is beautiful and touching.

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Inside All

“Inside all / Is a universe / Energy flowing.” So begins a journey at the outermost edge of everything. Inside the universe is a galaxy, milky and glowing, and inside the galaxy is a planet, blue and hopeful. The text moves from space to earth, from valley to village, and finally to a home where a child sleeps.

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In A Nutshell

A delightful tail of how an acorn grows into a mighty oak tree, helps sustain other life, and eventually dies and continues to give life to others. The images are wonderfully detailed and beautifully colored.

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Stand Still

Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you
Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here,
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known…

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We Are All Nuns

When it comes to the Vatican’s crackdown on women religious, I believe it’s time to declare that for the purpose of this struggle: we are all nuns. The mandate by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith …

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Rome vs. the Sisters

Commentators offer a range of explanations for last week’s Vatican “assessment” charging a group that includes the largest number of US Catholic sisters, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) with “serious doctrinal problems” and “radical feminism.” …

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A Prayer to do with Children

From Children Praying a New Story A Prayer to do with Children Thanks for the Spirit of God in our Lives By: Michael Morwood   We give thanks for the Spirit of God in our world and …

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Occupy Wall Street: What Is To Be Done… Next?

Editor’s Note: The political views of the author are his own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ProgressiveChristianity.org.  This post has found a home on this website because of its educational value as an insightful …

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A Course in Miracles

A Course in Miracles begins… Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.

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The word spirituality fills me with anxiety. As the member of our department of religious studies who teaches contemporary religion, (New Age, popular culture, Asian religion in America, that sort of thing…) I should be a spirituality expert, ready to use the word as a clever retort for my cynical family members, as a piece of sage advice for my sincere, confused graduating majors, or as a contextualizing quote for the religion writer from our local paper.

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Testing Prayer: Science and Healing

Drawing on medical records, surveys of prayer recipients, prospective clinical trials, and multiyear follow-up observations and interviews, Brown shows that the widespread perception of prayer’s healing power has demonstrable social effects which can in some cases produce improvements in health that can be scientifically verified.

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St. Paul versus St. Peter: A Tale of Two Missions

Most Christians believe that there was essentially only one early church which was later imperiled by false teachings. The New Testament was the developing statement of this early church, and from it grew the whole structure of Christian belief. In this remarkable book, Michael Goulder sets out to disprove this commonly held theory.

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Report: Humanity Must Stabilize Population, Consumption or Face ‘Downward Vortex’ of ‘Ills

Doing nothing would mean a “drift into a downward vortex of economic, socio-political and environmental ills” It is urgent that humanity work towards equity of consumption and slow the growth of the world’s population or we’ll head …

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Inventing Jesus: An Interview with Bart Ehrman

It was Jesus of Nazareth, not of Nashville, or New York, or…

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