A Nonviolent Army–A Sermon

Nonviolence requires training. It requires the humility to take correction from someone you can trust to see your shadow better than you do. It also requires you to forgive yourself when you give in to the violence crouching at the door, and keep at it. Don’t give up on nonviolence.

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One in seven thinks end of world is coming: poll

(Reuters) – – Nearly 15 percent of people worldwide believe the world will end during their lifetime and 10 percent think the Mayan calendar could signify it will happen in 2012, according to a new poll. The …

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United Methodists reject calls for divestment from Israel-related companies

(RNS) United Methodists twice rejected measures on Wednesday (May 2) that called for the denomination to divest from companies accused of contributing to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories. Neither vote was particularly close, with about two-thirds …

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A Play About Pluralism by Rev. Brooks Berndt

The Bohemian Supper Club By Rev. Brooks Berndt, Pastor, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Vancouver, WA (While the following play is authored by Brooks Berndt, it is based upon the writings of Diana Eck, Robert Funk, …

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The Tree of Life

The epic, yet intimate, story follows the life journey of Jack O’Brien (played as an adult by Penn), the eldest son of a fractured Midwestern family. Pitt delivers a powerful performance as the cataclysmic force of nature in Jack’s world, his complex and rigidly authoritarian father.

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Archbishop Antonio Mennini, Pope’s Representative, Calls For Christians, Jews, Muslims To Unite Against Gay Marriage

Archbishop Antonio Mennini, a Vatican representative, has called onto other religious leaders to take a stand against allowing gay marriage in the United Kingdom. Archbishop Mennini serves as the “Apostolic Nuncio” to Great Britain, which means he serves as Vatican’s …

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Stepping In

Renowed progressive Christian folk artist Christopher Grundy recently released his newest album, “Stepping In.” He would like to provide some songs off the album as resources for worship.

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Moses: A Stranger Among Us

This is a book about the Moses we don’t usually hear about – not in religious school or from the pulpit.

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Beltane – May Day: Celtic Spirituality Celebrates the Bright Half of the Year

May Day or the festival of Beltane celebrates the start of the bright half of the year. One of the four main festivals of Celtic spirituality, it’s a time to make merry.

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Mormonism Is The Fastest Growing Religion In Half Of U.S. States According To 2012 Religious Congregations And Membership Study

CHICAGO (RNS) Mitt Romney may or may not become the first Mormon to move into the White House next year, but a new study shows that Mormonism is moving into more parts of the country than any …

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Jewels of Silence, CD by Ashana

A musical retreat for the soul, it quiets the mind, returning you to a place of deep stillness and remembrance of the Divine …a place where you will be inspired and uplifted …a place of comfort and peace.

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Israeli Conservative Movement Will Ordain Gay Rabbis

Six years after its American counterpart, the Conservative movement’s Israeli rabbinical school voted last month to admit gay and lesbian students. It’s one small step for LGBT people, one foot-dragging schlep for the Jews. As progressives celebrate this milestone, …

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Realm of You, CD

Music is a language that connects listeners to their past, the present, and perhaps, with the right amount of percussion, the timely pluck of a violin, and haunting crescendo of an ethereal voice, music can weave intricate gold harmonies into our futures…at least good music does. Fusion Fable’s music can.

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Ashana, All Is Forgiven, CD

“With a voice that sounds like it was touched by an angel and musical arrangements that strike an equal balance between heavenly and holistic, Ashana is an artist like no other. Her music reaches you on an emotional level, welling up feelings of gratitude, longing and peace.”

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No Hands But Yours, CD

Mandala is Christian music with a world beat–Indian and Turkish rhythms swirled with jazz, Klezmer and Gregorian chant. Sometimes driving, sometimes ambient, always unique. Christian music with a Sufi groove!

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Beloved, CD

Tender, joyful, gentle, and breathtakingly beautiful, the music of “Beloved” is a healing balm for the soul that will lift your spirit and carry you on waves of love into the arms of the Divine.

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Ladybug- music CD

Butterflyfish began with a watermelon picnic. While the kids ate and played, the grown-ups got to talking about music, about faith, and about how best to pass on and enjoy the old, old stories in beautiful new ways.

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May Day Protests Across the Globe

Hundreds of thousands of people across the globe have taken to the streets to mark May Day, also known as International Workers’ Day. In Athens, Jakarta, Madrid, Tunis and beyond, protesters are refusing austerity and demanding decent …

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