Great and Small, CD

Like many parents, we knew that our kids were connected spiritually with the world, but we couldn’t find much music to help them deepen and develop that connection. And so we started to write songs, and sing them together in our living room

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Sing and Dance and Play with Joy, Inclusive Songs for Young Children

Jann Aldredge-Clanton and Larry E. Schultz

This collection offers a theologically rich and musically flexible resource for those who lead young children in music experiences in the church or at home.

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Inclusive Hymns for Liberating Christians

Inclusive Hymns for Liberating Christians.

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Vatican Reprimands a Group of U.S. Nuns and Plans Changes

The Vatican has appointed an American bishop to rein in the largest and most influential group of Catholic nuns in the United States, saying that an investigation found that the group had “serious doctrinal problems.” The Vatican’s assessment, issued …

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Bhakti: A Kirtan Album, CD

“…a soaring beautiful collection of kirtan chants… The combination of Gregorian-style chanting with harmonium is quite breathtaking…All the music on this album is stunning, tightly performed and beautiful.”

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Journey of the Universe Trilogy

Dear friends, Happy Earth Day! In honor of this year’s worldwide celebrations, we are thrilled that the Journey of the Universe Trilogy (film, book, and educational series of interviews) will be a part of the positive dialogues …

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The Temple of God’s Wounds

Every Holy Week for many years I have travelled to The Temple of God’s Wounds, a small book written in 1951 by the Anglican Bishop of Bombay, ‘Will Quinlan’ nee William Quinlan Lash, a mystic.

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Vanishing Jesus and the Mystical Coming of Christ: A Lectionary Reflection on Mark 1:29-39

Most of my life, it is this Jesus in Mark’s gospel that I have encountered, rather than the Jesus of our traditions that tell us he can be found if only we seek him.

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The Practice of Prophetic Imagination: Preaching an Emancipating Word

The necessary context of prophetic preaching, Walter Brueggemann argues, is “a contestation between narratives.” The dominant narrative of our time promotes self-sufficiency at the national level (through militarism) and the personal level (through consumerism).

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Our Own Error

A fictional story about an error in Jewish theology that contributed to the questionable right of Christianity to exist.

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“The Fornicators” (Sounds Like a Racey Broadway Musical!)

An article about opening up and deepening the conversations about sexuality.

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New Wine and Old Wine Skins: A Reflection on Current Changing Times

Jesus said part of the reason one has to pour New Wine into new wine skins was to preserve the old wine and old wine skins.

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Vigil for Healing and Peace in the Spirit of Taize

This worship service combines the contemplative spirit of Taizé chant with the Celtic liturgy of the Iona Community.

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Liturgy for Christmas Eve

Four altars will be established at the cardinal directions. Room is set in a quartered circle, with four pathways and a center open space. In the center will be a Central Candle. A hooded figure enters, riding a hobby horse (a broom horse). The Hobby Horse goes to each of the four altars and invokes the directions, beginning with the North: Tune played with recorder and/or violin: Abbot Bromley’s Horn Dance. As the hobby horse arrives at each altar, the tune stops while the spirit is invoked, then starts up again until the hobby horse arrives at the next altar . . . etc.

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The Plantsman

A parable of how a vision can be distorted, so that a process of liberation, healing and inclusiveness becomes an an institution preoccupied with conformity.

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What is Interfaith?

What a powerful affirmation of Interfaith-God “takes anyone who does
what is right” and “it does not matter to what nation they belong”.

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Giving Thanks for the Good, the Bad and the Surprising

Ian Lawton is pastor of C3/ Christ Community Church in Spring Lake,West Michigan and on the TCPC Executive Coucil. What does it mean to live as if I am surrounded by miracles, even though the kids are fighting, the mortgage is overdue, there seems no end to global conflict and my back hurts? Who should I be grateful to, and for what?

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