Journey of Hope: The Mayflower Carbon Neutral Story – Video

The film tells the story about Mayflower United Church of Christ’s work to become carbon neutral by 2030. It offers powerful insights into what it takes to move a community into a more harmonious relationship with the natural world.

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Resurrection is Hope For Every Day

In the midst of this annual affirmation of the power of love over death, as a Christian minister I’ve occasionally been tugged aside by a church member. In hushed, earnest, and slightly embarrassed tones they’ve asked: “What does the resurrection mean for me, today?”

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Medicine for the People – “Wash it Away” Music Video

Our prayers igniting, cast out into the shire
and the song of our struggle
came straight from the fire,
it goes:
holy holy grandmother, we sing
wash us clean of our pain and suffering
give us strength for our new beginnings
From my deepest grace I sing
wash away, it will wash away

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Colbie Caillat – Try – Music Video

A very sweet song and video that encourages women to love who they authentically are and to not give in to pressure to change the way they look, to be someone they aren’t. Perfect to share with young women in your life.

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O Sapientia — Wisdom’s Feast

The butterfly lives in a seamless realm, a matrix, poetically in the palm of God/dess’s hand, not alien or estranged. Is it possible for us to find that kind of confidence, or trust in the nature of the Universe itself? Let’s take a moment or two to think about Wisdom, and our place in the Universe. What kind of liturgy, or worship experience, would celebrate the kind of inclusive, nurturing community the butterfly knows without thinking about it?

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The Christmas Truce of 1914

As December cold enveloped the Western Front, a very remarkable Christmas story developed – an unofficial truce was observed by an estimated 100,000 British and German troops on the first Christmas Eve of the war.

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What Child Is This? The Reason For The Season

What can we learn from the Christmas story? I believe that just as Jesus seemed to be aware of the Divine Spark (or Christ) presence within him, which allowed him to love almost unreservedly and break boundaries, so too we are invited to see this Divine Spark within ourselves. God is literally with us. And isn’t this what we need in today’s world, where we see atrocities and tragedies such as the ones I listed above? If each of us were to acknowledge our inner divinity, and then recognize our neighbour’s inner divinity – regardless of their religious beliefs or non-beliefs – would we then see larger stepping stones toward global peace?

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Venture Out – with Alan Watts

If you awaken from this illusion and you understand that black implies white, self implies other, life implies death (or shall I say death implies life?), you can feel yourself – not as a stranger in the world, not as something here unprobational, not as something that has arrived here by fluke – but you can begin to feel your own existence as absolutely fundamental.

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Advent: The Waiting is Over

The season of Advent is upon us. For most people it is simply a flurry of activities to prepare for the Christmas and New Year holidays: a time of decoration, a time of shopping, a time of baking, a time of lights and candles. For some, it is simply the most stressful time of the year. But historically, advent has been a time of inward preparation in anticipation of the birth of Jesus. It recalls the themes of a late-term pregnancy: waiting and suspense, hope and expectation. Advent literally means ‘arrival.’

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May the Food that We Eat

From the Boundless Life collection

May the food that we eat
And the friends that we share
Give us strength for spreading
True justice and peace.

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War/No More Trouble | Playing for Change | Song Around The World – Music Video

As we made our way around the world we encountered love, hate, rich and poor, black and white, and many different religious groups and ideologies. It became very clear that as a human race we need to transcend from the darkness to the light and music is our weapon of the future. This song around the world features musicians who have seen and overcome conflict and hatred with love and perseverance. We dont need more trouble, what we need is love. The spirit of Bob Marley always lives on.

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Nobodys Fault But Mine- by Rising Appalachia- Music Video

Nobody’s Fault But Mine is old well known blues-gospel song. In honor of all the mothers and in honor that all of us can continue to carry music in such a spirit.

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Filthy Dirty South- Rising Appalachia- Music Video

This song and video offer a lyrical analysis of our southern regions and the onslaught of environmental abuses laid onto sacred lands. The lyrics touch on the Gulfcoast oil spill, Mountain top removal, and fracking, and beg the question WHY is this south is so “filthy Dirty”.

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MEDICINE single by Rising Appalachia

Find your teachers in the voice of the forests
unplug you cant ignore this
wisdom of the voiceless
Remedies are bountiful and surround us
from the garden to the farthest
prayers made of star dust

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What’s Possible, directed by Louie Schwartzberg for the United Nations Climate Summit

What’s Possible, a film produced by Lyn Lear for the United Nations Climate Summit, directed by Louie Schwartzberg, narrated by Morgan Freeman with an original score by Hans Zimmer

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Button Poetry – G. Yamazawa – “Elementary” A Little Girl Waved At Him. He Didn’t Wave Back because She Was Gay – Video

G. Yamazawa takes you back to his childhood to share an important lesson he learned. A Little Girl Waved At Him. He Didn’t Wave Back Because She’s Gay. His Dad Responded Appropriately.Button Poetry is committed to developing a coherent and effective system of production, distribution, promotion and fundraising for spoken word and performance poetry.

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The Met’s Klinghofer: Does Art have a “Contract with Society”?

Distributive justice-compassion, or “restorative” justice, argues that the rain falls on the just and the unjust, and that while the back-story may be compelling or repelling, violence is never the solution. When society’s protective systems “codify right from wrong, separating the holy from the profane,” who will call attention to the injustice that gets embedded in those very codes whose purpose is to protect and defend the safety and security of that society?

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Sunday School: Religious Indoctrination, Or An Invitation To Exploration?

Children will experience enough obstacles in life; there’s no reason to start them off with a sense of guilt, fear, and a lack of freedom to make their own choices.

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