‘My Name is Legion’: Sources and Forces of White Supremacy in the U.S.

In the wake of the murders of nine African Americans at Emanuel AME church in Charleston on June 17 by a self-proclaimed white supremacist, there was a burst of media interest in the scale and scope of white supremacist groups and networks within the U.S. What stands out in this recent media coverage, and in scholarship bearing upon both contemporary and historical trajectories of white supremacist movements, has been the tendency to view white supremacy—the idea that white people are inherently superior to people of color—as a relatively marginal or “extremist” dimension of American socio-religious culture.

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Black Churches are Burning: Is It the 1990’s All Over Again?

For many Americans, news reporting that at least seven predominantly black churches have been destroyed by fire since the horrific murders at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston last month feels like “déjà vu all over again.” We remember all too well the daily images of burning churches on the nightly news in the late 1990s… Still, can this be the beginning of another wave of racist violence targeting the spiritual homes of African-American Christians?

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Intentional Spirituality: Exploring My Growing Edge – Free Digital Download

Fostering Spiritual Depth in a Busy World

• Small group materials help your members embed greater meaning in their lives.
• Your participants quickly make deep connections with each other.
• Proven materials and techniques help you lead your small group through transformation.

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Three High-Value Tasks for Summer

    Here are three high-value tasks for church leaders to undertake in summer — in and around your highest priority: taking a vacation! Get your data systems in order   You need a tracking system to …

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Progressive Christian Reflections

Religious Liberty

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision broadening the understanding of marriage, those who have fought same-gender marriage now express fears that they will be called upon to do things their consciences will not permit and are clamoring for “religious liberty.”

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Maintain Multiple Pathways to Affiliation

The final stage of an effective membership recruitment process happens when the constituent actually affiliates with your congregation … always remember that recruitment of new constituents isn’t the final stage of membership development. Now you need to work at retaining them and helping God to transform their lives.

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Dearly Beloved: Celebrating Same-Sex Marriage

  “If faith communities lead the way in honoring the reality of same-sex marriage, the law will eventually follow.” — Jim Burklo, BIRDLIKE AND BARNLESS, 2008 Oh happy day, Friday, June 26, 2015! — when our dearly …

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American Atheist: An Oxymoron?

  Before you get all excited about the Pew Research results and begin thinking that the rising number of those who report no religious affiliation means a more rational approach to all things religious, think again. Yesterday’s release …

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Shedding Light on the Gospels Study Guide (based on Bishop Spong’s “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism”)

This  Study Guide, Shedding Light on the Gospels is based on Bishop Spong’s “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism.” The Study Guide is organized by Discussion Sessions and includes extensive quotations extracted from Bishop Spong’s book. In addition to Bishop Spong’s book, we will be reading the three gospels: Mark, Matthew and Luke (in that order).

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Peter the Rock: What the Roman Papacy was, and what it might become

Who would dare to challenge the tradition that Jesus appointed Peter to be the rock, the foundation of the Christian Church? Who would even explore the possibility that Peter did not found the Christian Church and become …

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Polite Self-Censorship No Environment for Free Speech

Charlie Hebdo’s editorial staff rebuffed yet again by over two hundred prominent guests at a Manhattan literary gala hosted by the PEN American Center. Following the 7 January, 2015 murders of nine read more

Connecting with “Prospects”

If “touches” are the many thousands whom your church touches in any way, “prospects” are touches whom you stimulate to take some interest in who you are as a faith community and what you do, especially in mission and ministering to people. Take it as a given that, at this point, they aren’t the least interested in how you worship, the traditions you observe, who presides at your altar, the quality of your facilities, or your history. If that’s all you have to tell them, you are lost.

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Jeb vs. Francis

Just when I had concluded that Jeb Bush was the likely Republican nominee for president in 2016, he said something that dumbfounded me: “I hope I’m not going to get castigated for saying this by my priest back home, but I don’t get economic policy from my bishops or my cardinals or my pope. And I’d like to see what [the pope] says as it relates to climate change and how that connects to these broader, deeper issues before I pass judgment. But I think religion ought to be about making us better as people and less about things that end up getting in the political realm. ” (New York Times, June 17, 2015)

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What Matters Most – Stand Up

Stand up for what you believe, but also measure what you believe, not by public opinion or profit, but by what is right in everyone’s eyes. By what benefits the whole of society and what tries to involve everyone in the process of change that is sometimes necessary to do the right thing.

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Time – A Path of Endless Change

To ponder our future development and a human evolution
Gives us pause to envision a needed “saving Earth” solution

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Walking Boldly Amidst the Storms – Based on Matthew 14:22-33

A troubling storm has engulfed the disciples. On a rickety fisherman’s boat in the early morning hours, a violent storm with terrible winds has surrounded them. The NRSV says their boat was battered, King James says it was tossed, the NIV says it was buffeted; whatever term you prefer, the boat is getting beaten up.

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The Jesus Fatwah: Love Your (Muslim) Neighbor as Yourself

Much of what passes as information about Islam is weed-like disinformation rooted in stereotype and watered by fear. In The Jesus Fatwah, Islamic and Christian scholars offer reliable information about what Muslims believe, how they live out their faith, and how we all can be about building relationships across the lines of faith.

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30 Days of Paul Reading Challenge

  Have you been meaning to read (or re-read) Paul’s letters? Join us for the‪#‎30daysofPaul‬ challenge! Earlier this week on the Westar Institute Ethics & Early Christianity blog, we posted a 30-day plan for how to read …

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