Questioning those who feel Progressive Christianity is a dangerous belief

Everyone has their opinion and why would people who write these books be judgmental?

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Is the Church ever going to address the antisemitism in our liturgy?

t is time the Church confronted its role in perpetuating all the antisemitism the first century Church created and the Church has perpetuated since.

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The Bible and Transgender

My oldest child has recently come out as transgender. Not surprisingly, many Christian friends are now pointing to the bible saying that she is a sinner and that God ‘condemns’ her. Does the Bible and God really say that?

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Why follow Jesus if you don’t believe all of scripture?

Why follow Jesus and worship him if you don’t believe all of scripture?

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Why do so many individuals still hold prejudiced views?

The news and social media are full of the wonderful contributions of people of color, gays and trans.  Why do you think so many individuals still hold prejudiced views about people who are different from them? 

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Can Religion Save Humanity?

With all the news today of doom and gloom for our world, do you think religion can save humanity?

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What is your opinion of St Paul?

What is your opinion of St Paul?

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Beginning the journey of personal

How does one begin the journey of personal transformation?

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Crisis around the Temple Mount

What is it about the Temple Mount?  It seems to always be the flashpoint of conflict in Jerusalem.

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The Church and Evolution

Do you think that the Church has adequately explored and explained the spiritual aspects of evolution? What does it mean spiritually that we evolved from apes?

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“What is a seeker?”

I am a “seeker.” I know what that means, but when people ask, “What is a seeker?” I can never find an accurate or concise way to explain it. 

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When will we teach Christian Parenting?

When will the Church follow and show the teachings of Jesus and teach parents to discipline by using consequences within the limits of safety?

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The Church lacks a compelling LGBTQ+ vision

I wonder if fiddling around on the periphery on the issues of gay and lesbian rights can ever yield what the Church lacks: a compelling vision which, if received and fulfilled, would improve humanity as a whole. Christianity has no unique truth and its claims, like those of all various religions, is that it must rest upon a “Thus saith the Lord.”

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Finding the middle we can walk together

How can we stop the hate and bring the far right & left together to find the middle we can walk together and work for the USA’s survival?

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There are many ways to the truth (salvation)

If there are many ways to the truth (salvation), can we preach that Krishna (or any other God) as one of the ways to attain salvation? Or, can we proclaim “In the name of Krishna your sins can be forgiven”?

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Are you no longer drawn to the faith of your community?

I am an Anglican, but having accepted the concept of a non-theistic God, I feel uncomfortable attending church with all its outdated forms of worship. To leave the church, however, is to lose my “church family” and the human contact, as well as my part in the church’s ministries, all essential to the expression of God’s love.

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Why don’t we educate our people to understand our Jewish roots?

Am I the only one out here who makes sure my people understand the Eucharist/Lord’s Supper/Communion service has its roots in the Passover story and that the words Jesus spoke would have been the motzi and the hagafen?

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What is Grace?

What is the grace referred to in the 5th point of Progressive Christianity, which says that Progressive Christians “Find grace in the search for understanding and believe there is more value in questioning with an open mind and open heart, than in absolutes or dogma.

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