What was Jesus trying to achieve?

Do you think that Jesus believed he was the Son of God/Son of Man (Daniel 7) and that he physically cured people of diseases and serious disabilities.? If not,what do you think he was trying to achieve by wandering around the countryside with his disciples?

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A look at “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel

A friend of mine recommended the book, “The Case for Christ,” by Lee Strobel. Have you read the book and if so, is it a good read?

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The Red Herring Of ‘Black On Black’ Crime – Continued

As an active UCC member, I was looking forward to reading Dr. Dorhauer’s response. I came away disappointed, however. Though I agree that certainly there are sociological reasons for it (as alluded to at the end), I believe black-on-black crime is a legitimate problem.

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God, Prayer and Healing

Does God have to heal all the people who ask me to pray for them?

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What makes a good apology.

I was really inspired by Rep. Alexia Ocasio-Cortez’s response to the insults of Rep. Ted Yoho, but I was equally disappointed by Yoho’s pseudo-apology. What makes a good apology?

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Can a Christian survive in a UU church?

Do I stay where I am or do I join a less Christian church? Either way I will feel like an outsider.

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Why do churches continue to use the Holy Eucharist?

I work in an Episcopal church with Holy Eucharist at the majority of services. The liturgy includes phrases such as “this is holy food” and “come to the feast” when there actually might be five or ten calories in a congregant’s tiny wafer and nip of wine. Following the service, there is usually a coffee hour with sweet snacks and cheese, hundreds of calories per person!

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The red herring of ‘black on black’ crime.

One thing I fail to see addressed anywhere is the mayhem of blacks upon blacks in cities such as Chicago. Do black lives matter only when death is caused by a law enforcement officer?

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The Challenge of Listening

What can we as a nation learn from the aftermath of George Floyd’s death?

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Will we “Rest in Peace” after death?

People say “rest in peace” after someone has died. But, do people really get to rest after death?

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A progressive Christian questions God and Prayer

“God works with the world as it is in order to bring it to where it can be. Prayer changes the way the world is, and therefore changes what the world can be. Prayer opens the world to its own transformation.”  

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What should I do about faith?

I don’t feel too comfortable in Episcopalian services because it feels like that same old, literal view again being pushed onto the parishioners. I don’t know what my faith can be anymore and a part of me wants to give up.

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The Divine and the Divisive in John

John 8:44 has always been problematic for me.  For example, in 8:44 Jesus tells the Jews who don’t believe in him that they are children of the devil.  What is the Progressive commentary on this passage?

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Will people will return to church and prayer in a time of chaos and crisis?

I would be interested to learn if you think people will return to church and prayer – in a time of chaos and crisis? Do you think people need something to “cling to?”

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Adam in Genesis verses Adam in Romans Ch 5

In looking at how the Jews see the Adam and Eve story – that it was a story of taking responsibility and moving out of innocence etc. How does this reconcile however with Paul ( a Jew) in Romans Ch5 where he appears to take on a more traditional even literal approach with Adam and Sin entering in , The Fall etc. ?

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Is there a God? If there is, how can I worship authentically?

To step away from a dogma or faith tradition that does not resonate with you is one of the bravest and most important things you can do.

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Thomas Aquinas’ belief in the existence of God

As a scholar of Thomas Aquinas can you help me understand his teleological argument for his belief in the existence of God? 

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What does it mean “to walk the way of Jesus”?

Jesus asked a lot of questions. Ask questions like, was Jesus a Christian?  If you read through the Bible thoroughly and the Gospels a few times, what do you notice really mattered to Jesus? How did he live his life? What was his view of money? His relationship to power and privilege?

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