Be Born In Me, Music Video, by Francesca Battistelli

THIS VIDEO BELONGS TO MAX LUCADO, RANDY FRANZEE, AND FRANCESCA BATTISTELLI To purchase or download this video: http://www.olivebranchcreative.com/the-story-downloads Lyrics: Everything inside me cries for order Everything inside me wants to hide Is this shadow an angel or …

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Playing for a Change

“Higher Ground” is a song that speaks of the perseverance it takes to reach the higher consciousness. Let’s all keep trying together, one heart and one song at a time, until we all reach the Higher Ground.

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Diana Butler Extended Interview- PBS

“I think that people who are leaving church, or people who call themselves spiritual but not religious, are raising really significant questions about faith, about community life and about the future of religion that religious leaders should pay more attention to,” says religion scholar Diana Butler Bass, author of Christianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening. Watch more of our interview with her about the religious implications of the rise of the religiously unaffiliated.

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Can Christianity Survive the Prejudice of Christians? A Revolution in Faith and Ethics

“Can Christianity Survive the Prejudice of Christians? A Revolution in Faith and Ethics” presented by John Shelby Spong from Vann Center for Ethics on Vimeo

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Marriage Equality As Christian Sacrament

Sermon by Rev. Rich Lang with University Temple United Methodist Church in Seattle on “Marriage Equality As Christian Sacrament” rooted in Matthew 16: 5-19 recorded October 14, 2012.

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Faithiest: How an Atheist Found Common Ground with the Religious

Chris Stedman is an atheist working to foster positive and productive dialogue between faith communities and the non-religious. Visiting from the States in advance of his new book, he charts his journey to this point – from …

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Burke Lecture: John Shelby Spong

A pre-eminent voice for liberal Christianity, John Shelby Spong was the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark for 24 years before his retirement in 2000. His admirers acclaim his making contemporary theology accessible to the ordinary lay person—he’s considered a champion of an inclusive faith by many both inside and outside the Christian church.

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If I Were To Return To Christianity…

Former fundamentalist evangelical Christian Mark Andrew Alward discusses his religious journey and wishes he was aware of Progressive Christianity before “throwing the baby out with the bathwater.”

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Hellbound? Trailer

This is the official theatrical trailer for the documentary “Hellbound?”, which hits theaters across North America starting September 2012. For more information about the film, please visit hellboundthemovie.com.

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Hookers, Looters and Cheats, Part 4: The Looter Who Became Jesus’ New BFF

Skype Guest: Rev. Fred Plumer

Full Darkwood Brew show with President, Fred Plumer. Interviewed by Eric Elnes.

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Darkwood Byte with Rev. Fred Plumer

Eric Elnes of Darkwood Brew and Fred Plumer from ProgressiveChristianity.org discuss progressive Christianity and ideas of convergence.

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Pamela Eisenbaum on Progressive Christianity

Pamela Eisenbaum, Fellow of the Westar Institute, and a Jewish scholar of early Christianity, answers the question “What is progressive Christianity?”

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Stephen J. Patterson on Progressive Christianity

Stephen J. Patterson, Fellow of the Westar Institute, answers the question “What is progressive Christianity?”

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Robert A. Kraft on Progressive Christianity

Robert A. Kraft, former President of the Society of Biblical Literature (2006), answers the question “What is progressive Christianity?”

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Gregory C. Jenks on Progressive Christianity

Gregory C. Jenks, Academic Dean of St. Francis Theological College in Brisbane, answers the question “What is progressive Christianity?”

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Matthew Fox on Progressive Christianity

Matthew Fox, author of “The 95 Theses or Articles of Faith for a Christianity for a Third Millennium”, answers the question “What is progressive Christianity?”Matthew Fox, author of “The 95 Theses or Articles of Faith for a Christianity for a Third Millennium”, answers the question “What is progressive Christianity?”

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Progressive Christianity and the Bible

Fred Plumer, President of ProgressiveChristianity.org, provides a historical context for the formation of the sacred compilation known as the Bible.

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Progressive Christianity and Emergence

Fred Plumer, President of ProgressiveChristianity.org, gives his insight into the Emerging/Emergent Church movement from a progressive Christian perspective.

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