#Moonshine Jesus Show

Join Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their progressive Christian perspectives in consideration of Netflix’s smash hit, “Ozark.”

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Journey of the Universe: 10 Years Later Podcast

Episode 3 ~ Tiokasin Ghosthorse

An award-winning musician and activist on behalf of Indigenous peoples, Tiokasin is the Founder, Host, and Executive Producer of “First Voices Radio.”

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Above All, Love

The other day I was talking with a friend and jokingly he said, “Well you know, sometimes love lives in the hallway cupboard, in the dark.” We both chuckled for a moment, as we thought about the people who are hard to love and the times you just can’t summon the requisite “love” needed for the moment.

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Intercessions for Yarram

This intercession was written for Holy Trinity Anglican Church Yarram, South Gippsland, Australia.

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When Engaged Buddhist Thich Nhat Hahn and Prophetic Christians Agreed on Peace and Justice

The recent death of “Engaged” Buddhist Thich Nhat Hahn has prompted new looks at his remarkable relationship with “prophetic” (proto-progressive?) Christians Martin Luther King, Jr., Thomas Merton, Daniel Berrigan and others that helped shape MLK’s dramatic and …

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Well Collective

Music For Churches. For Conferences. For people who worship

Our team that we send out as a band can be booked as an all-inclusive worship leading package, or in partnership with some of a church’s current team members who serve the band in worship.

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The Human Calling: Three Thousand Years of Eastern and Western Philosophical History

The Human Calling is a vigorously researched and profoundly spiritual narrative history of the world’s religious movements as they relate to society’s collective understanding of the duties they have to fellow people and looks ahead to what lessons from history can be applied as people navigate a technological age.

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The Infamous Dred Scott Case

Also: Finding 'Uncommon Ground'

In Justice Denied, our newly released podcast episode, Humankind takes a deep dive into what many regard as the most shameful U.S. Supreme Court ruling ever.

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Revisiting Marcus Borg – 3 Podcasts Episodes from Faith and Reason

Does Christianity Have a Future? – 3 Podcasts with Deborah and David Dykes from Faith and Reason. 

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Reading Between The Lines: Lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary – Year C

This RBTL resource follows the Revised Common Lectionary with text selections for Year C. There are 52 lessons for each volume/year.

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Reading Between The Lines: Lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary – Year B

This RBTL resource follows the Revised Common Lectionary with text selections for Year A. There are 52 lessons the year.

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Reading Between The Lines: Lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary, Year A

This RBTL resource follows the Revised Common Lectionary with text selections for Year A. There are 52 lessons the year.

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Reading Between The Lines: Lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary, Years A, B and C

This RBTL resource follows the Revised Common Lectionary with text selections for Years A, B and C. There are 52 lessons for each volume/year.

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Why Meditate? A Review of Mindful Christianity by Jim Burklo

Burklo’s book refocuses Christianity away from doctrine and belief to knowing God through mindful practice and the compassionate action that follows from an enlarged perspective.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show

Join Caleb and Mark as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their progressive Christian perspectives in considering the the MCU’s latest hit movie, “Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.” It’s a pretty good bet that they’ll be geeking out hard about this one and bringing some perspectives to it that you may not have considered.

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What does salvation mean in Progressive Christianity?

Q&A WIth Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers

Growing up and attending a southern Baptist church, I was constantly aware of the term salvation. I am now, thankfully, attending a more progressive and open minded church (PCUSA), but still hear this word. I have never been comfortable with this term and would like to know how you see salvation and what it actually means in progressive Christianity.

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Jesus and the Midrashic Method

In his important book, “Liberating the Gospels: Reading the Bible with Jewish Eyes”, John Shelby Spong pointed out that the followers of Jesus who wrote about his life were all Jews

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The Urgent Question for Today: Why Do We Let Evil Prosper?

Our Current Situation. We live in a time in which the possibilities for evil are multiplying as fast and possibly faster than the good being accomplished by our innovations.

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Choice Sanctuary

A group of religious extremists – namely, the majority of members of the Supreme Court – are going to nullify a 50-year old legal precedent in order to reach their long-time goal of taking away a fundamental and sacred human right: the right of a woman to choose to terminate pregnancy. 

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How Progressive Christianity Helped Lead Me to be an Unlikely YouTuber

I first became aware of how to post on the popular platform almost by accident.  I had approached Progressive Christianity, a website which has published my poetry and other writings

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Poem about Cambodia, Jackson State, Kent State Resonates Today

Poem about Cambodia, Jackson State, Kent State Resonates Today

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Meaningful Messages: On Your Journey

Meaningful Messages has been created to help you to find a sense of calm and contentment.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – May 2, 2022

Join Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their progressive Christian perspectives in considering the Apple TV+’s new series, “Roar,” which focuses on women’s issues via some pretty unique storytelling.

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What does it mean when people say that God is within me?

Q&A with Rev. Mark Sandlin

I was brought up to understand that we meet God in church. What is it supposed to mean when people say that God is within me? I don’t think I’ve found that to be true.

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We live in a world characterised as ‘fragmented’. It isn’t fragmented. It’s diverse. If we ecologically pattern our thinking, we reframe it, and that applies to science and scientific thinking too.

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From Hopelessness to Happiness

Why have we not found evidence of life across the universe? One solution to the question is that civilizations destroy themselves before they develop the technology to escape their planet.

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When It Comes to Resurrection, We Look For What We Have Been Conditioned to See!

John 20:19-31

Resurrection is not about the physical resuscitation of a corpse. Resurrection is about the wisdom and the courage to proclaim with our lives that Jesus’ vision of the Reign of LOVE continues to rise in us.

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From Progressing Spirit: The Religious Question — and the Human Question

If Jesus was right when he said, in his inaugural address (as found in Luke 4), that the Spirit of God’s agenda is to help the oppressed, the weak, the broken-hearted, those with (in Thurman’s words) their backs against the wall, then no wonder many people are struggling with their religious identity.

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#Moonshine Jesus Show – April 25, 2022

Join Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their progressive Christian perspectives in considering the newest DC move, “The Batman.” They’ll not only be talking about the themes of the show but also considering the theological and political impacts it may have.

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Christ Path Seminar

A previously recorded live event exploring Creation Spirituality and Sacred Activism hosted by Matthew Fox and Andrew Harvey. Enjoy over 10-hours of dialogue from Matthew Fox and Andrew Harvey and BONUS FOOTAGE from Joanna Macy and Bruce Chilton.

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A Different Question

I am sorry to say this, but it has been a long time since going to church on Sunday morning has uplifted my spirit. Interacting with people definitely is uplifting, but the service is mostly boring, preachers never give an indication that the scripture readings are not the literal word of God, and the theology of these same preachers is stuck somewhere way back when.

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Zen and the Art of Coaching Basketball

A Review

This is an important book because it provides clear evidence that spiritual practices work. Imagine if the members of Congress meditated before the start of each session.

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Holy Saturday: A Reflection for Unbelievers and the Hopeless, or Any Hurt by Life

Today is Holy Saturday, that period of mourning, disillusionment, anger, fear, and other heart-wrenching emotions that occurs between our recognizing the realities of injustices and tragedies of the past and present, and our harboring the hopes for life and resurrection that hang on tenuously, if at all, for a better future.

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Christ and the Multiverse

Following Jesus in Our Wild, Infinite Creation

How can we possibly find our purpose if everything that can happen does happen? See how Jesus is more relevant than ever in the dizzying, infinite multiverse.

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The Worship of Mystery

Awarded BOOK OF THE YEAR in the category of Speculative Fiction by the Bisexual Writers’ Association! Four chaplaincy students attend a mysterious alien ritual. Four lives are shattered beyond recognition…

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229 Christians Missionary Hoax

Q&A With Rev. David Felten

I received this from a friend. It is true. I am forwarding the message to you because there are 1,000s who are about to lose their lives. Please pray fervently that this horrific plan will be thwarted. Pray for confusion on the part of the enemy. I’m so saddened to hear this.

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