With the influx of so much contradictory information coming at us today, why are churches and religious leaders not doing more to help their members navigate the rapidly changing world we live in?
read moreHow are we supposed to worship a deity who wantonly slaughters innocents to assuage His own bloodthirsty rage? Thank the loving God revealed in the pages of Setting God Free that Seán ÓLaoire has finally unpacked the horror show known as “the difficult passages” of the Bible, giving readers access to a cosmology built not on canonical scripture alone, but also on science, spirituality, and personal experience.
read moreJoin Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their progressive Christian perspectives in considering Netflix’s hit, time-travel movie, “The Adam Project.” They’ll not only be talking about the themes of the show but also considering the theological and political impacts it may have.
read moreBob LaRochelle has had a lot of experience with different churches. Raised a Roman Catholic, he was ordained a Permanent Deacon in that church. After a period of intense soul-searching, he left the Catholic Church and embarked on a career in ordained Protestant ministry.
read moreDo your beliefs include that you must accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior in order to go to heaven; and, in the end, those who do not accept Christ, no matter how much good they have done on earth, will go to hell?
read moreEverything is complex and sometimes things that seem “bad” or hard, challenging, frightening, un-grounding, unknown, or tragic in the moment lead to amazing things later that we can not predict. Sometimes, the suffering in the moment leads to evolution down the line that may not even be noticed or seen.
read moreCarl Jung was ill at ease with understanding evil as a “privation of the good” and I tend to agree with him. For I, like many, experience evil both as a distancing from the good but also as a kind of force or power or malicious intelligence in our midst.
read moreAuburn gathered individual groups of Black, Latinx, and White leaders of faith and moral courage to discuss what it means to belong to each other in a profoundly divided world.
read morePracticing Mental Illness is a guide to using meditation, movement and meaningful work to help manage affective disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety. Not a typical book on mindfulness, it acknowledges where mindfulness practices as taught today can be helpful, and where methods and teachings in popular mindfulness can be very damaging to people with mental illness.
read moreMost years, sometime during the season of Lent, Jewish people observe Passover. I knew a little bit about it, but I learned a lot more at a friend’s son’s Bar Mitzva last week. The weekend of this Bar Mitzva included the Sabbath of the red heifer. I listened transfixed as the Rabbi spoke about it.
read moreJoin Mark and Caleb as they enjoy a themed drink (or two) and bring their progressive Christian in considering Marvels’ newest streaming show, “Moon Knight.”
read moreSermon by: Rev. Dr. Caleb J. Lines
University Christian Church
Sermon by: Rev. Mark Sandlin
Presbyterian Church of the Covenant
In the midst of the chaos, which is Ukraine, Father Stephan spoke about life. Five funerals yesterday, a wedding and a baptism this morning. Father Stephan is from Kiev, where he hopes to return soon.
read moreHow can Christians get a firm foundation with scripture that has been influenced by the spirit of political influence by Kings and Popes and transcriptionists who were influenced by governments? A bit of a crisis of faith here. Can there still be a Divine Jesus without true historical knowledge of Him?
read moreThe practice of contemplating the Stations of the Cross, depicting the final hours of Jesus’ life, is a very old one. Many Catholic churches have gardens or sanctuaries in which the stations are situated. Each of the 14 stations marks a point along the way to Jesus’ death.
read moreSmith may have thought he was defending Jada’s honor, but rather, he desecrated his intentions with his violence. Moreover, to believe Jada could not defend herself is part and parcel of heteropatriarchy. Violence is merely one of its components.
read morePour yourself a drink and join us for good times as we talk about pop culture, theology, and politics from progressive Christian perspective.
read moreHave you ever wondered what Jesus did to deserve being tortured and crucified to death? How could someone so good be treated so inhumanely?
read moreNow, I know Jesus taught his disciples to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them. And following Jesus is something I take super-seriously. But I’m angry and worried, and pretty much everyone in the United States is. It isn’t easy to follow those particular instructions.
read moreAccepting that the Gospel accounts of events in Jesus and the disciples’ lives are nonhistorical creations intended to reach Jews in a traditional Jewish liturgical framework, what *did* Jesus do and say that made the God’s presence in human life so clear to his followers?
read moreDo you love who you are becoming? Are you enjoying the giddy delight of tumbling down the flume? Because in your delight in becoming, the Knower within you will transform your relationship to time, and usher you into the eternal now – the kin-dom of heaven on earth – where there is nothing to grasp, and everything to love…
read moreThe Christian Church has a disgraceful legacy of Christians fighting Christians. In the aftermath of the Council of Chalcedon in 451, Christians fought among themselves for two hundred years over the nature of Jesus.
read morePour yourself a drink and join us for good times as we talk about pop culture, theology, and politics from progressive Christian perspective.
read moreWe are all part of this wonderful Cosmos, always have been and always will be. This unknowable life-force-energy mystery, which I am comfortable calling ‘God’, has been, is, and always will be the active creative force in this changing, expanding and evolving wonderful Cosmos. And in ME!!!
read moreThe first win for the world would be a free, strengthened, unified, and rebuilt Ukraine. The bigger win for the world would be a Russian Federation that has the capacity to defend itself militarily but not the capacity to invade other nations. That would open the door to invite Russia into the new world economic order again.
read moreIn his Introduction to Matthew Fox, Dr. Burack recounts the life and influences that helped form Fox’s outlook and spirituality, from the medieval mystic Meister Eckhart to 20th century Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. The book then presents selections from all Fox’s major works.
read moreThere are also many scientific studies that show words have energy and can affect living beings being spoken to. Plants exposed to kind words grow more and are healthier than ones who experience silence or negative words.
read moreAlmost two decades ago, during a combined Holy Thursday/Good Friday worship service, I told a true story from the Holocaust. The story involved a Polish army sergeant named Franciszek Gajowniczek and a Franciscan priest named Maximilian Kolbe.
read moreHow I wear my hair is my business. Ironically, the Commonwealth decided it is now legal for me to do so.
read morePour yourself a drink and join us for good times as we talk about pop culture, theology, and politics from progressive Christian perspective.
read moreIn January and February 2022, I communicated with several dozen clergypersons across the country, seeking their perspective on pastoral morale after two years of serving churches during a pandemic. Participants included a diverse mix of gender, age, location and denomination. Almost all of them said that clergy morale, including their own, stood at an all-time low.
read moreAs I reflect on my journey with Jesus, My commitment to follow him has grown, but one particular teaching impressed upon me in my youth and perpetuated by the church ever since has restricted me. I have come to the conviction that teaching that “the Bible is the Word of God and truthful in all its writings” has served as a roadblock to prevent the church from becoming the culture changing force which Jesus imagined.
read moreHow do I not perceive my loving husband as ignorant? He’s so intelligent otherwise that I don’t understand how he can believe in the Bible as a literal history.
read morePour yourself a drink and join us for good times as we talk about pop culture, theology, and politics from progressive Christian perspective.
read moreWill democracy in America prevail, or will it be usurped by a confluence of fascism and evangelical Christianity?
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