What can Christianity learn from Shamanism? What can Shamanism learn from Christianity? The conversation starts here…
read moreWisdom Circles shows readers how to form their own wisdom circles with friends and community members based on ten simple guidelines.
read moreFrom conservative evangelical to theological liberal, the spiritual journey of retired South Carolina United Methodist pastor the Rev. Arthur H. Holt has evolved over the years. Here, Holt explores his theology, reflecting on everything from abortion, science, sexuality, and the End Times to sin, the spirit, and the Bible.
read moreIn A Faith of Their Own, longtime youth worker Nathan Wheeler looks at an as-yet-unexplored possibility: theology. Wheeler examines what theology we commonly teach in our youth ministries, often by default more than intention, and how that theology can be inadvertently detrimental to the church participation of younger generations.
read moreReligions and Ecology: Restoring the Earth Community
Designed for a general audience, these six courses orient learners to the relevance of religious traditions in response to contemporary ecological and climate challenges.
What have we learned and can apply today from the Nag Hammadi Scriptures?
read moreIn the wilderness of these days, I find myself tempted to retreat from the world around me. The pandemic has trained me too well in the arts of isolation. Hunkering down in the safety of my …
read moreThe great Christian monk Thomas Merton once compared the spiritual life to the search for a path in a field of untrodden snow: “Walk across the snow and there is your path.”
read moreEven 150 years ago, it would appear the question of how much freedom was too much freedom was a debate with which our forebears had to wrestle. Their assertions were based on their divergent understandings of what the notion of freedom accorded them under our national constitution.
read moreHow can mainstream churches be more inclusive of Rewilding?
Experience Transformational Spirituality and Discover the Divine Within
On this episode Mark and Caleb journey into the MCU with a look at “Spider-Man: No Way Home.” Tune in for their progressive Christian insights about the movie.
read more40 days & 40 nights:
A Journey of Prayer and Contemplation
before long, my grandchildren will be vaccinated, and I’ll be able to go back to church. But the haunting truth is, I’m not sure I want to return to an institution that consistently untethers itself from the life, example, spirit, and teachings of Jesus.
read moreIf people can be helped to understand that the god they profess is not the God of Jesus, that no man is the messiah, and that God blesses all people, not just America, then perhaps WCN can be overcome. The church has a job to do, and that quite simply is to speak truth to perversion.
read moreIf Jesus did not die on a cross to cover our sin, then what was the purpose of him dying? What was the purpose of his life? Was it to show us how to simply be “good people?”
read moreAmerica’s investment in race and racial oppression was central to its early years as a nation – a theme that dates back to Europe’s earliest colonial efforts in the Western Hemisphere.
read moreBUILDING COMPASSION features interviews with a range of experts on the science and practice of compassion, including Dr. James Doty, Dr. Saamdu Chetri, Dr. David Vago, Scarlett Lewis and many more.
read morePour yourself a drink and join us for good times as we talk about pop culture, theology, and politics from progressive Christian perspective.
read moreSo why did I find this Lent so difficult? Loving our enemies is tough because it doesn’t mean overcoming disagreement; it means loving one another, protecting one another, caring for one another in spite of disagreement.
read moreFor I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor (bathos) the deep, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
read moreI teach meditation as an adjunct therapy for mood disorders, and I get a surprising amount of pushback from a sizeable group of people. Many of these people have a strong faith in God and are skeptical of therapies that we in mental health see as only helpful.
read more“A comprehensive one-stop manual on what it means to live Christianly.” – Peter Enns, author of The Bible Tells Me So
read moreFor some time now, Progressive Christians have distinguished themselves from Fundamentalists and Evangelicals by ignoring gender differences, rejecting Biblical literalism and emphasizing the importance of Jesus’ vision for a “kingdom of God on earth.” But the primitive belief that propitiation can be attained through substitutionary atonement still lives on in most Progressive Churches.
read moreThrough a combination of in-depth Bible study and social analysis, Filled to Be Emptied invites readers to explore the hymn verse by verse and see Jesus’ self-emptying example as a model for privileged people to see their advantages not “as something to be exploited” but as something to be laid aside to seek the good of others.
read moreThroughout Holy Week, two competing approaches to peacemaking collide. What if we’ve embraced the wrong one?
read moreA hopeful and Christ-centered devotional for Christians who know social justice to be a good and holy endeavor
read morePour yourself a drink and join us for good times as we talk about pop culture, theology, and politics from progressive Christian perspective.
read moreI have always believed the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament were quite clear. He calls for an inclusive society with a focus on nonviolent means for resolving conflict. He demonstrates a passionate concern for social and economic justice.
read moreWho ever thought we would say this, but it seems to be the case that society could be collapsing before our very eyes. The common bond that forges a basis for unity is disintegrating, indicated and exemplified by the litany of headlines that continue to bombard us.
read moreBy the time we have considered climate change, the environment, sexism, racism, popularism, and injustice of all sorts, there is little time left for considering our understanding of God, religion, and the whole spiritual realm.
read moreMaybe my evangelical kin — who believed themselves to be reformers of lukewarm or dead faith — wouldn’t have welcomed a real Reformer in their midst. Because they were already right. They didn’t need reform. They certainly wouldn’t have embraced anyone who challenged their worship, theology, or leaders.
read moreHappiness is often assumed to be the aim of life — that state of being where life is at least fine, if not blissful. But is it? Too often people, even the wisest among us, assume happiness is this idyllic bubble where you just change your mindset and your problems either go away, or you overcome them with a choice of the mind.
read morePour yourself a drink and join us for good times as we talk about pop culture, theology, and politics from progressive Christian perspective.
read moreTraditionally, in our nation, when an election is over, we assume people will accept the results, even if they are not to their own liking. We do not have a history of fraudulent elections. However, regrettably, we are now at a time in our history where, in many states, if a democrat wins an election, republicans are going to claim “fraud.”
read moreAntisemitism should be tied to other hate crimes, like racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, to name a few, but understood as having a distinct history and motivations. Holocaust Remembrance Day reminds us of the history.
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