Recent trials reflect white fragility

When a predominately white jury found the McMichaels and Bryan guilty of felony murder among other charges in the Ahmaud Arbery case, many assumed justice was served compared to the Rittenhouse verdict. The juxtaposition of images of the two trial cases conjured hope for change in our two justice systems: Rittenhouse went home, while the McMichaels and Bryan went back to jail.

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The Challenge for Evangelicals

Everything changes, and often not for the better. Life on this planet will end eventually, possibly sooner rather than later, due to, for example, nuclear annihilation, still quite possible but no longer front page.

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We Love Our Guns More

One Progressive's Response to a Culture of Gun Violence

The lack of reasonable restrictions when it comes to guns is rooted in their obvious appeal; leading to their preponderance in staggering numbers in a culture that allows utter unreasonableness to pose under the guise of “protection of freedom” and individual rights. That’s why we will not simply legislate our way out of this one through reasonable debate, a half-baked compromise, or a better argument. As a society, we love our guns, and what they represent.

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Immersive Programs in Transformative Practices

With great pleasure, Spirituality & Practice invites you to become part of the inaugural group for two training programs based on the recognition that all of life is a spiritual practice. These programs are for individual seekers, spiritual leaders and companions, caregivers and service providers, and activists in change-making organizations.

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May Their Memory Be For Blessing

A friend of mine, who grew up on the Pine Ridge Reservation, told me that his people’s practice is to not speak the name of the dead for a year. Only after twelve months of their name remaining unsaid are the rituals for gathering loved ones and telling stories undertaken.

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Adventures in Faith and Family

Offering practical, intelligent, loving, spirit-filled wisdom rooted in the joy and deep love of the Christian faith as well as developmental psychology, this book includes personal reflections, suggestions for family faith practices, reflections on biblical passages, ideas for family holiday activities, and original music.

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Re-seeing and re-valuing the Christian Cross

The Christian cross, taken as a modern working symbol, can also find a new role, a complementary one to its original deep association with the crucifixion. One that speaks a common language in cross-religious or interfaith contexts.

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The January 6 Epiphany

The word epiphany means “a manifestation, a showing forth.” Starting in the third century, January 6 became the Feast Day of the Epiphany, when Christians celebrate the Magi finding the baby Jesus with his mother at their “house” in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:11). The Western churches use Luke’s story (2:1–20) and December 25 to celebrate this birth.

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Be Fearless. Inspired. Unstoppable. For Change.

You can now access the teachings and vision from the unprecedented weekend retreat with Andrew Harvey and over twenty visionaries who are changing the world:

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Luminous Darkness: An Advent Exercise to Embrace Every Part of You

As the days grow shorter and autumn deepens its hues, this past Sunday marked the beginning of the season many Jesus-followers call Advent. Once, Mary began her long journey to Jerusalem to oblige their state’s census while growing the life of Emmanuel (God-with-us) within her. Now, we attend to the ordinary matters of life while carrying the hoped-for life of the Divine kin-dom, culminating in our collective celebration of the Christmas season.

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Cataclysmic Calamity

Are too many Christians in the USA standing by while our country crumbles at the hands of the elite who exercise political and corporate power? I do not refer to the partisan religious who promote candidates, parties, conspiracies, etc. I refer to those who could, but do not, demand justice from all political parties and interests for equality among all in our country.

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The Self- Destruction of America’s Churches

And How You and I, with Insights from Jesus and John, Can Help Stop This Needless Tragedy

This book offers hope for today’s dark world. It does so by identifying the self-debilitating illness of churches and prescribes robust medicine for their health, survival, and positive impact on our lives.

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Souljourning …. Nurturing Natural Spirituality in Young People

Souljourning empowers parents, children, and communities to nurture the natural spirituality of people aged 0-21. Souljourning offers resources, publications, events, and consultation for parents and groups.

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The Rock That Births You

This isn’t an easy story — it is especially hard to avoid the pitfalls of any Christian preaching about the destruction of the Temple (I pray I didn’t contribute to those anti-Semitic interpretations!). But I think it is one of the most important stories in Mark, a short section of verses that help make sense of the entire gospel.

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Collapse in a Nutshell: Understanding Our Predicament

This is part one of a two-part primer on the nature, inevitability, and speed of biospheric and civilizational collapse.

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Gashed Miracle

Sometimes, when a trauma happens, there is some time before hurt registers and before the emotions flow.

Sometimes, we find ourselves witnessing something that doesn’t hurt yet, but certainly will.

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Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites us into the Sacred

With an ecospiritual lens on biblical narratives and a fresh look at a community larger than our own species, Church of the Wild uncovers the wild roots of faith and helps us deepen our commitment to a suffering earth by falling in love with it–and calling it church.

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Thanksgiving and the Rittenhouse Reality

Sermon: Rev. Mark Sandlin
Presbyterian Church of the Covenant – www.athinkingchurch.org
Music: Bruce Piephoff

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The nexus between God and evolution

Is there purpose driving evolution?” In other words, it would seem that a theology of God and evolution demands human responsibility to see that plan through to fruition.

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Interview with Robert O’Sullivan on William Blake

KCIW radio host Lee Tuley interviews Robert O’Sullivan about the life and works of William Blake.

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Religion and Bipolar Disorder

The influence and importance of religion on community and morality will always be apparent and easy to debate. The personal experience of the practitioner can never be so and must be taken on faith.

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How do you define an Atheist?

I am not comfortable with calling myself an Atheist since that often implies belief in no life after biological death. How do you define an Atheist? 

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The World Comes to an End Every Day!

Mark 13:1-8

I used to think that the end of the world would come in a blaze of glory. I used to think that when the world ended there would be plenty of warning. I used to think that if you paid enough attention to what was going on around you, you would be able to tell when the world was going to end.

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Paul, a First Century Feminist

Like Jesus, Paul was a radical egalitarian.  He was also, it turns out, a first century feminist.  In all the churches he helped found and nurture, he insisted on gender equality. 

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The One you Feed

There is no inescapable reason why human beings need become divided and protective. There is another way, a way that is based on recognizing that the world we have created for ourself is limited in scope and accuracy. We must not hide in our cocoon and be threatened by all else.

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Faith without Fear

Scripture straight up, with spiritual nudges, common sense, and other good stuff (not for fundamentalists)

Ever felt bitten by a fundamentalist? Or had your biblical understanding discounted by a conservative? Or the validity of your beliefs questioned by a zealous evangelical? If you have, then you will find Faith without Fear absolutely therapeutic, with its fresh, honest, and unique approach to both Scripture and the faith.

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Questioning those who feel Progressive Christianity is a dangerous belief

Everyone has their opinion and why would people who write these books be judgmental?

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Deep Ecumenism: Bede Griffiths on the Wisdom of Hinduism

In the shadow of COP26 we are meditating on the powerful role that Deep Ecumenism can and must play in the future of the planet.  To get the most out of individual humans and our diverse communities, we must include the spiritual dimension.  That is where the fire of excitement and passion, sacrifice and visions, is lit and stays lit.

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Is the Church ever going to address the antisemitism in our liturgy?

t is time the Church confronted its role in perpetuating all the antisemitism the first century Church created and the Church has perpetuated since.

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Values, Truth, and Spiritual Danger

Progressive Christianity and the Age of Trump

In a series of ruminations, Edward G. Simmons brings a lifetime’s experiences, along with biblical and historical insights, to the ethical problems faced by Christians living under the impact of President Trump.

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Captain Kirk and His Merry Band of Billionaires!

Mark 10:35-45

Excuse me if I sound a little too indignant but jockeying for a seat during a global pandemic is more than a little tone deaf, when according to the United Nations, yet another 150 million or so people will be plunged into poverty this year, swelling the ranks of the global poor to over one and a half-billion people, over half of which are children.

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The Bible and Transgender

My oldest child has recently come out as transgender. Not surprisingly, many Christian friends are now pointing to the bible saying that she is a sinner and that God ‘condemns’ her. Does the Bible and God really say that?

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Civil Rights History by Robert O’Sullivan

Radio interview/podcast with “Reality Check” host Lee Tuley interviewing Robert O’Sullivan of KCIW in Brookings, Oregon.

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Why follow Jesus if you don’t believe all of scripture?

Why follow Jesus and worship him if you don’t believe all of scripture?

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“God Is No Longer a Working Number”

Rethinking Christianity for the Twenty-first Century

For millions of people across the globe, God (as we have historically known God) is no longer a working number. Neither is traditional theology or the institutional church. In response, many of these spiritual skeptics have given up on religion altogether. However, plenty of them are still searching for a faith that can work in the modern world.

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