Every birth is a miracle, and none more so than the birth of Jesus, celebrated at the time of the winter solstice.
read moreThe season of Christmas holds a myriad of emotions, and that makes it fertile ground for the poet.
read moreWorship music doesn’t have to be a 200-year-old hymn, although that can work if it has meaning and resonance for a particular congregation.
read moreChristmas rituals have evolved over the centuries, interacting with local cultures and stories to produce distinctive traditions in different parts of the world.
read moreSharing progressive liturgies is a great way to confirm that we’re not alone in our non-dogmatic interpretations of Jesus’ teachings.
read moreThanksgiving is an American holiday, but giving thanks is a practice for everyone, around the world, at all times.
read moreMost of us have let go of the God-metaphor from our childhoods — the old man with a beard who lives in the sky (aka “the Sistine Chapel God”).
read moreThese church holidays are celebrations of gratitude, the continuity of life and a reminder of our place in the cycle.
read moreReflection, and the course corrections we make as a result, allows space for the Spirit to show up in our lives.
read more“The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. I
read more“Our table is open to everyone because Jesus’ table fellowship was open to everyone.”
read moreWhere would we be without metaphors in our spiritual conversations?
read moreTo be on a spiritual journey is to be constantly evolving our “mental models” about how the world works.
read moreAll wisdom traditions understand the need for letting go. And all wisdom traditions understand how difficult it is to do..
read moreHere are a few simple spiritual practices to help you deepen your unity consciousness:
read moreIt is our own specific interpretation that gives each experience its unique flavor and color.
read moreWhen I wake up in the middle of the night and my mind relentlessly gnaws on some bone of contention,
read moreThe world continues to be rocked by racist hate crimes, some carried out churches and synagogues, of all places.
read moreCreativity, imagination, intuition… they are all related.
read moreWould children be able to tell from your actions whom you think your neighbor is?
read moreWhat makes a father is the relationship — the sustained care and guidance and love.
read moreOur minds and hearts know the person we want to be and the life we want to live, but it seems awesomely difficult sometimes.
read morePentecost is often called “the birthday of the church.”
read moreA memorial service is a curious creation. On the surface, we behave as if the service is for the person who has just died.
read moreFor mothers everywhere, who sense what we really need and provide it even before we ask for it.
read moreIt is often a huge insight to realize how much control we have over our own thoughts.
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