Celebrating the Marriage of Spirituality and Science: Review of “Ways To Go Beyond and Why They Work” by Rupert Sheldrake

In a previous book, Science and Spiritual Practices, British biologist Rupert Sheldrake devoted a chapter to each of the following practices and demonstrated how our brains are affected by doing them: Meditation; Gratitude; Reconnecting with the more-than-human world; Plants; Rituals; Singing, Chants and the Power of Music; Pilgrimages and Holy Places.  

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Does it matter which religion you pick? Is there a Hell?

I have months to live. I’m not too hooked into christian symbolism but I would like to communicate with a person.

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Why do we act and speak as if faith is the same as empirical knowing?

If our knowledge of God can only be accessed through faith, and if the divinity of Jesus can only be affirmed through faith, why do we act and speak as if faith is the same as empirical knowing?

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The Center for Open and Relational Theology

The Center for Open and Relational Theology exists to promote… open and relational thinking, networking among like-minded people, projects that build upon or advance open and relational ideas, announce news, and provide open and relational theology resources.

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Reincarnation and life after death.

Much has been written about Reincarnation and previous lives.  I think a current summary discussion of life after death would be beneficial from a scholar who has studied the authoritative reincarnation stories. 

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Finding a deeper and broader Christian experience.

I come from a traditional evangelical upbringing and have embraced catholicismCatholicism. However, I am also exploring the more modern Christian concepts as related by Bishop Spong and Rev. Matthew Fox. I am very attracted to those concepts and want to incorporate them into my spirituality, along with Buddhist and native American wisdom.

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Doubt: Preaching on Hebrews 11:1-16

This little video of Richard Holloway on “Why doubt is a good thing” provides insights for preaching on doubt as the foundation of faith!!!

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An interventionist God? and Jesus’ Resurrection

Is it not possible that Jesus did not die on the Cross, but merely passed out, coming to in the cave and making those appearances described in the New Testament? There are many instances of such “miraculous” recovery even to the present day and many of His miracles can be explained scientifically.

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A Call to Joy: Celebrating the God of Unconditional Love

Do you have questions about certain religious beliefs you’ve been taught? Are you confused about what God wants or doesn’t want? Do you know why you are here and what this lifetime is for? Have you ever questioned what you believe? If so, then you are being nudged to a greater depth of spirituality and it may be no accident that you were led to a book like this.

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An Altar in the World: A Georgraphy of Faith

From simple practices such as walking, working, and getting lost to deep meditations on topics like prayer and pronouncing blessings, Taylor reveals concrete ways to discover the sacred in the small things we do and see.

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Quest for the Living God: Mapping Frontiers in the Theology of God

‘Since the middle of the twentieth century,’ writes Elizabeth Johnson, ‘there has been a renaissance of new insights into God in the Christian tradition. On different continents, under pressure from historical events and social conditions, people of faith have glimpsed the living God in fresh ways.

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Parenting Forward: How to Raise Children with Justice, Mercy, and Kindness

How do we build a better world? One key way, says Cindy Wang Brandt, is by learning to raise our children with justice, mercy, and kindness.

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Are Humans Innately Superior?

I pray that as we humans expand our own spiritual consciousness we will outgrow all of the assumptions we’ve nurtured about our innate superiority.

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No Ordinary Time: The Rise of Spiritual Intelligence and Evolutionary Creativity

Jan Phillips’ Book of Hours is a tapestry of threads from the arts, science, sacred texts and her own mystical poetry. It is the story of one woman’s journey from Catholicism to a new cosmology of global communion and co-creation.

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Finding Comfort When Faced With Death

Recently my grandmother passed away very suddenly from an illness. I cared for her as she died, and my doctor now thinks I have PTSD. I’ve been experiencing crippling panic attacks about dying. I wish that I could say that I am a person of faith.

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Hosea: the Coronation Street of Ancient Israel

A Sermon on the Book of the Prophet Hosea

Imagine how your own relationship with the divine might evolve if you stopped worrying about believing in God and began to belove the DIVINE MYSTERY we call God. What might it look like in your life to belove the DIVINE that lives and breathes and has BEING in, with, through, and beyond you; in, with, and through, and beyond your neighbours?

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Is there an evil spirit (e.g. Satan) opposite to the good spirit?

My daughter and I had a very good conversation regarding my Progressive beliefs. When it came to the Good God she insisted there must be a Bad Spirit.

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